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This is an online bibliography of books, articles, dissertations, and other academic resources in the field of Mass Communication History, mostly in the United States. Although it is by no means complete or exhaustive, it does contain many of the most frequently cited resources in a variety of research areas as well as many important older texts. It is regularly updated to include recently published material and older sources that I come across in my research and reading. Some categories are noticeably more complete than others, which is largely due to my own personal research interests and time constraints. It is a work in progress and the goal is to provide, over time, a current and comprehensive listing of the most important and useful works across the breadth of this wide-ranging field of study and to suggest resources for scholars engaging in historical research in journalism and mass communication. Approximately 4800 titles are listed at this time and new entries are added on a regular basis. Please contact the editor with suggestions or to point out errors.
Citations are categorized somewhat idiosyncratically and users should look in multiple sections of this site to find all of the sources relevant to their research projects.
Site updated March 22, 2025. The page on film history is undergoing a substantial reorganization and few of the citations I have collected are currently listed there. The sections for Radio, Television, and Magazines are also scheduled for reorganization in the near future.
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but Marshall University does not own the content,
nor does it maintain or manage the content on this site.