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The Black Press and Broadcasting

Aiello, Thomas.  “The Shot That Was Heard in Nearly Two Million Negro Homes: The 1934 Murder of William Alexander Scott.”  Georgia Historical Quarterly 100:4 (2016): 366-403.

Aiello, Thomas.  “Editing a Paper in Hell: Davis Less and the Exigencies of Small-time Black Journalism.”  American Journalism 33:2 (Spring 2016): 144-168.

Aiello, Thomas.  “Do We Have Any Men to Follow in Her Footsteps?: The Black Southern Press and the Fight for Teacher Salary Equalization.”  History of Education Quarterly 58:1 (February 2018): 94-121.

Aiello, Thomas.  The Grapevine of the Black South: The Scott Newspaper Syndicate in the Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement.  Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2018.

Alexander, Ann F.  “Black Protest in the New South:  John Mitchell, Jr. (1863-1929) & the Richmond Planet,” PhD dissertation, Duke University, 1973.

Alexander, Shawn Leigh.  “Marcus Garvey and the Chicago Defender, 1917-1923.”  PhD dissertation, University of Iowa, 1995.

Alexander, Shawn Leigh, ed. T. Thomas Fortune, the Afro-American Agitator: A Collection of Writings, 1880–1928.  Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008.

Alkebulan, Paul.  The African-American Press in World War II: Toward Victory at Home and Abroad.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014.  Add to minority

Anderson, Daniel Roger.  “Renaissance Men: The Harlem Intelligentsia, the African–American Press, and the Culture of Sport, 1918–1940.”  PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2005. 

Ayers, Oliver.  “The 1935 Labor Dispute at the Amsterdam News and the Challenges Posed by the Rise of Unionism in Depression-Era Harlem.” Journal of American Studies 48:3 (2014): 797-818.

Baaki, Brian.  “White Crime and the Early African American Press: Elements of Reprinting and Reporting in New York’s Freedom’s Journal.”  American Periodicals 29: 2 (2019): 121-134.

Bacon, Jacqueline.  “The History of Freedom’s Journal: A Study in Empowerment and Community.”  Journal of African American History 88 (Spring 2003): 163-181.

Bacon, Jacqueline.   Freedom’s Journal: The First African American Newspaper. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007.   

Bacon, Jacqueline. “‘Acting as Freemen’: Rhetoric, Race, and Reform in the Debate over Colonization in Freedom’s Journal, 1827–1828.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 93 (February 2007): 58–83.

Bailey, Julius H.  Race Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the AME Church.  Knoxville: University Press of Tennessee, 2012.

Baldasty, Gerald J., and Mark E. LaPoint.  “The Press and the African-American Community: The Role of the Northwest Enterprise in the 1930s.”  Pacific Northwest Quarterly 94 (Winter 2002-2003): 14-26.

Banner-Haley, Charles Pete.  “The Philadelphia Tribune and the Persistence of Black Republicanism During the Great Depression.”  Pennsylvania History 65:2 (Spring 1998): 190-202.

Baptiste, Bala James.  Race and Radio: Pioneering Black Broadcasters in New Orleans. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2019.

Baptiste, Bala James. “Race and Local Television News: The Emergence of Black Journalists in New Orleans.” American Journalism 39:1 (2022): 4-26.

Barger, Harold M.  “Images of Political Authority in Four Types of Black Newspapers.” Journalism Quarterly 50:4 (1973): 645-651, 672.

Baum, Bruce, and Duchess Harris, eds.  Racially Writing the Republic: Racists, Race Rebels, and Transformations of American Identity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009.

Beard, Richard L., and Cyril E. Zoerner.  “Associated Negro Press: Its Founding, Ascendency, and Demise.”  Journalism Quarterly 46 (Spring 1969): 47-52.

Bederman, Gail.  “Civilization,’ the Decline of Middle-Class Manliness, and Ida B. Wells’s Antilynching Campaign (1892-94).  Radical History Review 52 (1992): 5-30.

Beeching, Barbara J.  “Paul Robeson and the Black Press: The 1950 Passport Controversy.”  Journal of African American History 87 (Summer 2002): 339-354.

Beito, David T., and Linda Royster Beito.  “Selling Laissez-faire Antiracism to the Black Masses: Rose Wilder Lane and the Pittsburgh Courier.”  Independent Review 15:2 (Fall 2010): 279-294.

Berardi, Gayle K., and Thomas W. Segady.  “The Development of African American Newspapers in the American West: A Sociohistorical Perspective.”  Journal of Negro History 75 (Summer/Fall 1990): 96-111.

Berardi, Gayle, and Thomas W. Segady. “Community Identification and Cultural Formation:  The Role of African American Newspapers in the American West, 1880-1914.” Briot 10:1 (Spring 1991): 13-19.

Blain, Keisha N.  “We Want to Set the World on Fire: Black Nationalist Women and Diasporic Politics in the New Negro World, 1940-1944.”  Journal of Social History 49:1 (Fall 2015): 194-212.

Blocker, Jr., Jack S.  “Building Networks:  Cooperation and Communication Among African Americans in the Urban Midwest, 1860-1910.” Indiana Magazine of History 99:4 (December 2003): 370-386.

Boling, Kelli S. “We Matter: Cultural Significance of a Counter-Narrative Black Public Affairs Program.” Journalism History 47:4 (2021): 353-371.   Awareness

Borzendowski, Janice.  John Russwurm.  New York: Chelsea House, 1989.

Bowie, Rian Elizabeth. “Is There a Woman in the Text? The Black Press and the Emergence of Organized Black Womanhood, 1827–1900.”  PhD dissertation, Emory University, 2007.   

Boyd, Melba Joyce.  Wrestling with the Muse: Dudley Randall and the Broadside Press.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.   

Brent Zooks, Kristal.  I See Black People: The Rise and Fall of African American Owned Television and Radio. New York: Nation Books, 2008. 

Brooks, Maxwell.  “A Sociological Interpretation of the Negro Newspaper.”  PhD dissertation, Ohio State University, 1937.

Brooks, Maxwell R.  The Negro Press Re-Examined: Political Content of Leading Negro Newspapers. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1959.

Brooks, Shelia, and Clint C. Wilson II.  Lucile H. Bluford and the Kansas City Call: Activist Voice for Social Justice.  Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.

Broussard, Jinx C. “Saviors or Scalawags: The Mississippi Black Press’s Contrasting Coverage of Civil Rights Workers and Freedom Summer, June-August 1964.” American Journalism19:3 (2002): 63-85.

Broussard, Jinx Coleman.  Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Four Pioneering Black Women Journalists.  New York: Routledge, 2004.

Broussard, Jinx Coleman.  “Exhortation to Action: The Writings of Amy Jacques Garvey, Journalist and Black Nationalist.”  Journalism History 32:2 (Summer 2006): 87-95.

Broussard, Jinx Coleman.  African American Foreign Correspondents: A History.  Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2013.

Brown, Karen F.  “The Black Press of Tennessee: 1865-1980.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tennessee, 1982.

Brown, Kory B.  “Souled Out: Ebony Magazine in an Age of Black Power, 1965-1975.”  PhD dissertation, Howard University, 2010.

Booker, Vaughn A.  “Pulpit and Pew: African American Humor on Irreverent Religious Participation in John H. Johnson’s Negro Digest, 1943-1950.” Journal of Africana Religions 8:1 (2020): 1-36.

Bullock, Penelope.  The African-American Periodical Press, 1838-1909. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981.

Burma, John.  “An Analysis of the Present Negro Press.”  Social Forces 26:2 (December 1947): 172-180.

Burns, Ben.  Nitty Gritty: A White Editor in Black Journalism.  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1996.

Burroughs, Todd S.  “Drums in the Global Village: Toward an Ideological History of Black Media.”  PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 2001.

Burroughs, Todd Steven. “Kerner’s Other Black Explosion: The Chapter 15 Mandate and the Birth of New York’s Black Public-Affairs Programming, 1967-1968.” Howard Journal of Communication 30:4 (2019): 355.370.

Burrowes, Carl Patrick.  “Who Killed the Negro World?: An Investigation into the Death of a Dissident Newspaper.” Journal of Ethnic Studies, 9 (1981), 1-12.

Burrowes, Carl Patrick. “In Common with Colored Men, I Have Certain Sentiments: Black Nationalism and Hilary Teage of the Liberia Herald.”  American Journalism 16:3 (1999): 17-35. 

Burrowes, Carl Patrick.  “Caught in the Crosswinds of the Atlantic: John Brown Russwurm, Freedom’s Journal, and African Colonization.  Journalism History 37: 3 (Fall 2011): 130-141.

Byers, Stephen Robert.  “Diverse Community, Diverse Newspapers:  How Milwaukee’s Black Press Reflected its Diversity, 1968-2002.”  PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2004.

Caddoo, Cara.  “Black Newspapers, Real Property, and Mobility in Memphis After Emancipation.”  Journal of African American History 102:4 (Fall 2017): 468-491.

Caldwell, H. Zahra. “I Was Anti-Everything: Cartoonist Jackie Ormes and the Comics as a Site of Progressive Black Journalism.” American Studies 59:3 (2020): 9-120.

Campbell, Brian E.  “African American Sports Journalists and Athletes as Foreign Correspondents for the Black Press, 1930-1950.” Journalism History 46:4 (2020): 358-374.

Carlisle, Anthony Todd. “The Black Press and the Shaping of Protest in African American Literature, 1840–1935.”  PhD dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2009.

Carroll, Anne Elizabeth. Word, Image, and the New Negro: Representation and Identity in the Harlem Renaissance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005.

Carroll, Brian.  “When to Stop Cheering?  The Black Press, the Black Community, and the Integration of Professional Baseball.”  PhD dissertation, University of North Carolina, 2003.

Carroll, Brian.  The Black Press and Black Baseball, 1915-1955: A Devil’s Bargain.  New York: Taylor and Francis, 2015.

Carroll, Fred.  Race News: Black Reporters and the Fight for Racial Justice in the Twentieth Century.   Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017.  

Carter, Jolette B. “The Role of the Black Press in the 1923 Trial of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.”  American Journalism 14:2 (1997): 131-147.

Castro, Cristian. “White Paper, Black Ink: The Black Press of Sao Paulo and Chicago, 1900–1950.” PhD dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2013.

Castronovo, Russ. “Beauty Along the Color Line: Lynching, Aesthetics, and the Crisis.” PMLA 121:5 (2006): 1443-1459.

Chapman, Erin D.  Prove it on Me: New Negroes, Sex, and Popular Culture in the 1920s.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Chase, Hal.   “Honey for Friends, Stings for Enemies’: William Calvin Chase and The Washington Bee, 1882-1921.” PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1973.

Cilli, Adam Lee.  “Robert L. Vann and the Pittsburgh Courier in the 1932 Presidential Election: An Analysis of Black Reformism in Interwar America.”  Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 143:2 (April 2019): 141-176.

Clark, Naeemah, ed.  African Americans in the History of Mass Communication: A Reader.  New York: Peter Lang, 2014.

Clark, Tanya N.  “Quilting the Race:  Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, the Colored American Magazine, & the African American Family, 1900-1905.” PhD dissertation, Temple University, 2004.

Clark, William E. “A Pioneer Negro Newspaper:  The New York Age.” Southern Workman 52 (January 1923): 16-20.

Cohen, Laura Langer, and Jordan Alexander Stein, eds.  Early African American Print Culture.  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.

Cooper, Caryl A.  “The Chicago Defender: Filling in the Gaps for the Office of Civilian Defense, 1941-1945.”  Western Journal of Black Studies 23:1 (1999): 111-118.

Cooper, Caryl.  “Selling Negro Women to Negro Women and the World: Rebecca Stiles Taylor and the Chicago Defender, 1939-1945.”  Journalism History 39:4 (Winter 2014): 241-249.

Cronin, Mary M. “A Chance to Build for Our Selves: Black Press Boosterism in Oklahoma, 1891-1915.”  Journalism History 26:2 (Spring 2000): 71-80. 

Cronin, Mary M. “Mixing Protest and Accommodation:  The  Response of Oklahoma’s Black Town Newspaper Editors to Race Relations, 1891-1918.” American Journalism 19:2 (Spring 2002): 45-64. 

Cronin, Mary M. “A Chance to Build for Our Selves: Black Press Boosterism in Oklahoma, 1891-1915.” Journalism History 26:2 (Summer 2000): 71-80.

Cronin, Mary M.  “C.F. Richardson and the Houston Informer’s Fight for Racial Equality in the 1920s.” American Journalism 23:3 (Summer 2006): 79-103. 

Crowder, Ralph L.  “Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and John Edward Bruce:  The Relationship of a Militant Black Journalist with the ‘Father of Civil of Rights’ and the ‘Wizard of Tuskegee’.” Afro-Americans in New York Life and History 22:2 (July 1998): 91-110. 

Dahn, Eurie.  Jim Crow Networks: African American Periodical Cultures.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2021.

Daniel, Walter.  Black Journals of the United States.  Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.

Daniel, Walter C., and Patrick J. Huber. “The Voice of the Negro and the Atlanta Riot of 1906: A Problem in Freedom of the Press.”  Journalism History 17:1-2 (Spring-Summer 1990): 23-28.

Dann, Martin E. ed., The Black Press, 1827-1890: The Quest for National Unity.  New York: Putnam, 1971.

Davis, Henry Vance.  “The Black Press: From Mission to Commercialization, 1827-1927.”  PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1990.

Dawkins, Wayne.  Black Journalists: The NABJ Story. Sicklerville, NJ: August Press, 1993. (National Association of Black Journalists)

Dawkins, Wayne.  Rugged Waters: Black Journalists Swim the Mainstream.  Sicklerville, NJ: August Press, 2003.

Day Moore, Celeste. “Producing A Black World: William Greaves, Black Journal, and the Creation of a New Medium of Black Internationalism, 1968-1970.” Journal of African American History 106:4 (Fall 2021): 626-649.

Delmont, Matthew F.  Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers.  Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2019.

DeSantis, Alan Douglas.  “Selling the American Dream: The Chicago Defender and the Great Migration of 1915-1919.” PhD dissertation, University of Indiana, 1993.

DeSantis, Alan D. “A Forgotten Leader: Robert S. Abbott and the Chicago Defender from 1910-1920.”  Journalism History 23:2 (Spring 1997): 63-71.

Detweiler, Frederick.  The Negro Press in the United States.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1922.

Digby-Junger, Richard.  “The Guardian, Crisis, Messenger, and Negro World:  The Early-20th-Century Black Radical Press.”  Howard Journal of Communications 9:3 (July 1998):  263-282.

Dillon, Merton L.  Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1966.

Dolan, Mark K.  “Extra!: Chicago Defender Race Records Ads Show South From Afar.”  Southern Cultures 13:3 (Fall 2007): 106-124.

Dolan, Mark K. “Dave Peyton, the Chicago Defender, and Local 208.” Journal of Illinois History 11 (Autumn 2008): 154–148.

Domke, David. “The Black Press in the ‘Nadir’ of African Americans.” Journalism History 20:3-4 (1994):131-138.

Doss, Erica. “Imaging the Panthers: Representing Black Power and Masculinity, 1970s-1990s.” Prospects 23 (October 1998): 483-516.

Drake, Donald E., II, “Militancy in Fortune’s New York Age.” Journal of Negro History 55:4 (1970): 307-322.

Ellis, Mark. “America’s Black Press, 1914-1918.”  History Today 41 (September 1991): 20-27.

Ellis, Charlesetta M.  “Robert S. Abbott’s Response to Education for African-Americans via the Chicago Defender, 1909-1940.” PhD dissertation, Loyola University, 1994.

Emery, Jacqueline.  “Writing to Belong: Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s Newspaper Columns in the African American Press.” Legacy 33:2 (2016): 286-309.

Engle, Susan. Robert Sengstacke Abbott: A Man, a Paper, and a Parade. Wilmette, IL: Bellwood Press, 2019. 

Enszer, Julie R.  “Fighting to Create and Maintain Our Own Black Women’s Culture: Conditions Magazine, 1977-1990.  American Periodicals 25:2 (2015): 160-176.

Evans, Linda J.  “Claude A. Barnett and the Associated Negro Press.”  Chicago History 12: 1 (Spring 1983):  44-56.

Fagan, Benjamin P.  The Black Newspaper and the Chosen Nation.  Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2016.

Fagan, Benjamin.  “The Fragments of Black Reconstruction.”  American Literary History 30:3 (Fall 2018): 450-465.

Farrar, Hayward.  The Baltimore Afro-American. 1892-1950.  Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998.

Fee Jr., Frank E. “Blackface in Black and White: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Frederick Douglass’ Hometown Newspapers, 1847.” American Journalism 20:3 (2003): 73-92.

Fee, Frank E., Jr.  “Intelligent Union of Black and White: Frederick Douglass and the Rochester Press, 1847-48.”  Journalism History 31:1 (Spring 2005): 34-45.

Fenderson, Lewis H.  “Development of the Negro Press, 1827-1948.” PhD dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1948.

Fenderson, Lewis H.  “The Negro Press as a Social Instrument.”  Journal of Negro Education 20:2 (Spring 1951): 181-188.

Fielder, Brigitte, and Jonathan Senchyne, eds. Against a Sharp White Background: Infrastructures of African American Print.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019.

Finkle, Lee. Forum for Protest: The Black Press During World War II. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1975.

Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, and Carla L. Peterson.  “We Holds These Truths to be Self-Evident: The Rhetoric of Frederick Douglass’s Journalism.”  In Frederick Douglass: New Literary and Historical Essays, Eric Sundquist,ed.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Fleener, Nickieann.  “Breaking Down Buyer Resistance: Marketing the 1935 Pittsburgh Courier to Mississippi Blacks.”  Journalism History 13:3/4 (Autumn/Winter 1986): 78-85.

Forss, Amy Helene.  Black Print With a White Carnation: Mildred Brown and the Omaha Star Newspaper, 1938-1989.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014.

Foster, Frances Smith.  “A Narrative of the Interesting Origins and (Somewhat) Surprising Developments of African-American Print Culture.”  American Literary History 17:4 (Winter 2005): 714-740.

Foster, Frances Smith. “Genealogies of Our Concerns, Early (African) American Print Culture, and Transcending Tough Times.” American Literary History 22 (Summer 2010): 368–380.

Foster Greene, Debra.  “Published in the Interest of Colored People: The St. Louis Argus Newspaper in the 20th Century.”  PhD dissertation, University of Missouri, 2003.

Franklin, Vincent P.  “The Voice of the Black Community: The Philadelphia Tribune, 1912-1941.”  Pennsylvania History 51:4 (October 1984): 261-284.

Fraser, Gordon. “Emancipatory Cosmology: Freedom’s Journal, The Rights of All, and the Revolutionary Movements of Black Print Culture.” American Quarterly 68:2 (2016): 263-286.

Frisken, Amanda K.  “A Song Without Words: Anti-Lynching Imagery in the African-American Press, 1889-1898.”  Journal of African-American History 97:3 (Summer 2012): 240-269.

Fultz, Michael. “‘The Morning Cometh’:  African-American Periodicals, Education, and the Black Middle Class, 1900-1930.” Journal of Negro History 80:3 (Summer 1995): 97-112.

Gallon, Kim T. “Between Respectability and Modernity: Black Newspapers and Sexuality, 1925–1940.”  PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2009.

Gallon, Kim.  “Silences Kept: The Absence of Gender and Sexuality in Black Press Historiography.” History Compass 10:2 (February 2012): 207-218.

Gallon, Kim.  Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020.

Gardner, Eric.  Black Print Unbound: The Christian Recorder, African American Literature, and Periodical Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Gershenhorn, Jerry.  “Double V in North Carolina: The Carolina Times and the Struggle of Racial Equality during World War II.”  Journalism History 32:3 (Fall 2006): 156-167.

Gershenhorn, Jerry. “A Courageous Voice for Black Freedom: Louis Austin and the Carolina Times in Depression-Era North Carolina.” North Carolina Historical Review 87 (January 2010): 57–92.

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Glick, Josh.  “Mixed Messages: D. W. Griffith and the Black Press, 1916-1931.”  Film History 23 (2011): 174-195.

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Gordon, Eugene. “The Negro Press.” Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science 140 (November 1928): 248-256.

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Indigenous American Press and Broadcasting

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