Literary Journalism/ “New” Journalism

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Alexander, Robert. “The Right Kind of Eyes: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as a Novel of Journalist Development.” Literary Journalism Studies 4:1 (2012): 19–36.

Anderson, Chris.  Style as Argument: Contemporary American Nonfiction.  Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987.   

Applegate, Edd.  Literary Journalism: A Biographical Dictionary of Writers and Editors.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.

Arlen, Michael J. “Notes on the New Journalism.” Atlantic Monthly (May 1972): 43-47.

Ashdown, Paul, ed.  Stephen Crane: Selected Journalism.  Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1985.

Bass, S. M.W., and Joseph Rebello, “The Economics of the New Journalism: The Case of Esquire,” American Journalism (Winter/Spring 1992): 4-6.

Beard, John. “Inside the Whale: A Critical Study of the New Journalism and the Nonfiction Form (McPhee, Wolfe, Mailer, Thompson).” PhD dissertation, Florida State University, 1985.

Caron, James E. “Hunter S. Thompson’s ‘Gonzo’ Journalism and the Tall Tale Tradition in America.” Studies in Popular Culture 8.1 (1985) 1-16. 

Connery, Thomas B.  A Sourcebook on American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Dickstein, Morris.  “The Working Press, the Literary Culture, and the New Journalism.” The Georgia Review 30: 4 (1976): 855-877.

Dow, William.  “Unreading Modernism: Richard Wright’s Literary Journalism.”  Literary Journalism Studies 5:2 (Fall 2013): 59-89.

Dow, William, and Roberta S. Maguire, eds.  The Routledge Companion to American Literary Journalism.  New York: Routledge, 2019.

Fishkin, Shelly F.  From Fact to Fiction: Journalism and Imaginative Writing in America.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.

Fitzgerald, Jonathan D.  “Setting the Record Straight: Women Literary Journalists Writing Against the Mainstream.” PhD dissertation, Northeastern University, 2018.  

Forde, Kathy Roberts. Literary Journalism on Trial: Masson v. New Yorker and the First Amendment. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008.

Frus, Phyllis.  The Politics and Poetics of Journalistic Narrative: The Timely and the Timeless.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Gutkind, Lee.  The Fine Art of Literary Fist-Fighting: How a Bunch of Rabble-Rousers, Outsiders, and Ne’er-do-wells Concocted Creative Nonfiction.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024.

Harred, Jane Catherine.  “Never a Copy: The Conflicting Claims of Narrative Discourse and its Referent in the Literary Journalism of Truman Capote, Hunter S. Thompson, and Joan Didion.”  PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1994.

Hartshorne, Thomas L. “Tom Wolfe on the 1960s.” The Midwest Quarterly 23 (1982): 144-163.

Hartsock, John C. “The Critical Marginalization of American Literary Journalism.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15:1 (March 1998): 61-84.

Harsock, John C.  A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of Modern Literary Form.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2000.

Hartsock, John C.  Literary Journalism and the Aesthetics of Experience.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2016.

Hellman, John.  Fables of Fact: The New Journalism as Fiction.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981.

Hollowell, John.  Fact and Fiction: The New Journalism and the Nonfiction Novel.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977.

Jacobs, Michael.  Confronting the (Un)Reality of Pranksterdom: Tom Wolfe and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.”  Literary Journalism Studies 7:2 (Fall 2015): 132-151.

Journal of Popular Culture 9:1 (Summer 1975).  Special issue on Literary Journalism

Katz, Tamar.  “Anecdotal History: The New Yorker, Joseph Mitchell, and Literary Journalism.”  American Literary History 27:3 (Fall 2015): 461-486.

Kaul,  Arthur J.  American Literary Journalists, 1945-1995.  Detroit: Gale Research, 1997.

Kerrane, Kevin, and Ben Yagoda, eds.  The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism.  New York: Scribner’s, 1997.

Konas, Gary. “Traveling ‘Furthur’ with Tom Wolfe’s Heroes.” Journal of Popular Culture 28:3 (2004): 177-192.

Krim, Seymour.  Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer.  New York: Excelsior Press, 1961.

Krim, Seymour.  Shake it For the World, Smartass.  New York: The Dial Press, 1970.

Lim, Gerard Wei-Meng. “A Vision of Paradise: California in the New Journalism of Joan Didion.” PhD dissertation, University of Southern California, 1987.

Literary Journalism Studies 4:1 (Spring 2012).  Special issue on Hunter S. Thompson

Lounsberry, Barbara.  The Art of Fact: Contemporary Artists of Nonfiction.  New York: Greenwood, 1990.

Lovein, Eric. “The Death of Existentialism in American Culture: Joan Didion’s Los Angeles, 1966-1971.” PhD dissertation, California State University-Fullerton, 2011.

Maguire, Roberta S.  “African American Literary Journalism: Extensions and Elaborations.”  Literary Journalism Studies 5:2 (Fall 2013): 8-14.

Many, Paul A.  “Toward a History of Literary Journalism.”  Michigan Academician 24 (Summer 1992): 559-570.

Mills, Nicolaus.  The New Journalism: A Historical Anthology.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.

Mosser, Jason.  The Participatory Journalism of Michael Herr, Norman Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, and Joan Didion.  Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2012.

Muggli, Mark Z.  “The Poetics of Joan Didion’s Journalism.” American Literature 59:3 (1987): 402-421.

Murphy, James E.  The New Journalism: A Critical Perspective.  Lexington: Association for Education in Journalism, 1974.

Newfield, Jack.  “Is There a New Journalism?  Columbia Journalism Review 11:2 (1972): 45-47.

O’Brien, Colleen C.  “Blacks in All Quarters of the Globe’: Anti-Imperialism, Insurgent Cosmopolitanism, and International Labor in Pauline Hopkins’s Literary Journalism.”  American Quarterly 61:2 (June 2009): 245-270.

Reynolds, Bill. “On the Road to Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson’s Early Literary Journalism (1961-1970).” Literary Journalism Studies 4:1 (2012): 51–84.

Robertson, Michael.  “Stephen Crane’s New York City Journalism and the Oft-told Tale.”  American Journalism 9 (Winter-Spring 1992): 7-22.

Roggenkamp, Karen H.  “Narrating the News: New Journalism and Literary Genre in Late Nineteenth Century American Newspapers and Fiction.”  PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2001.

Rolland, Joshua M.  “Just People are Just People: Langston Hughes and the Populist Power of African American Literary Journalism.”  Literary Journalism Studies 5:2 (Fall 2014): 15-35.

Saliba, J. Keith, and Ted Geltner.  “Literary War Journalism: Framing and the Creation of Meaning.” Journal of Magazine Media 13:2 (Summer 2012).

Schmidt, Thomas R.  “Pioneer of Style: How the Washington Post Adopted Literary Journalism.”  Literary Journalism Studies 9:1 (Spring 2017): 39-54.

Scholnick, Robert J. “The Ultraism of the Day: Greene’s Boston Post, Hawthorne, Fuller, Melville, Stowe, and Literary Journalism in Antebellum America.” American Periodicals 18:2 (2008): 163-191.

Schreiber, Holly E. “Representations of Poverty in American Literary Journalism.” PhD dissertation, Indiana University, 2015.

Seib, Kenneth A. “Mailer’s March: The Epic Structure of The Armies of the Night.” Essays in Literature 1 (1974): 89-95.

Shaber, Sarah R. “Hemingway’s Literary Journalism: The Spanish Civil War Dispatches.” Journalism Quarterly 57:3 (Fall 1980): 420-424, 535.

Sims, Norman, ed.  Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.  (new edition available from Northwestern UP, 2008)

Sims, Norman, ed.  The Literary Journalists.  New York: Ballantine, 1974.

Sims, Norman, and Mark Kramer, eds.  Literary Journalism: A New Collection of the Best American Nonfiction. New York: Ballantine, 1994.

Sims, Norman.  True Stories: A Century of Literary Journalism.  Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2007.

Spahr, Clemens.  “The Great Work of Mutual Education: Class, Popularity, and the Position of Intellectual in Margaret Fuller’s Literary Journalism.”  ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 66: 3 (2020): 481-515.

Staub, Michael E.  “Setting Up the Seventies: Black Panthers, New Journalism, and the Rewriting of the Sixties,” in The Seventies: The Age of Glitter in Popular Culture, ed. Shelton Waldrep.  New York: Routledge, 2000.

Stull, James N.  “Presentations of the Self in Contemporary American Literary Journalism, 1965-1980.”  PhD dissertation, University of Iowa, 1990.

Thorne, Ann.  “Developing a Personal Style: Janet Flanner’s Literary Journalism.”  American Journalism 23:1 (Winter 2006): 35-62.   

Underwood, Doug.  Journalism and the Novel: Truth and Fiction, 1700-2000.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Underwood, Doug.  The Undeclared War Between Journalism and Fiction: Journalists as Genre Benders in Literary History.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Weber, Ronald.  The Reporter as Artist: A Look at the New Journalism Controversy.  New York: Hastings House, 1974.

Weber, Ronald.  The Literature of Fact: Literary Nonfiction in American Writing.  Athens: Ohio University Press, 1980.

Weingarten, Mark.  The Gang That Wouldn’t Write Straight: Wolfe, Thompson, Didon, and the New Journalism.  New York: Crown, 2005.

Whitt, Jan.  “To Do Some Good and No Harm: The Literary Journalism of John Steinbeck.” Steinbeck Review 3:2 (Fall 2006): 41-62.

Whitt, Jan.  Settling the Borderland: Other Voices in Literary Journalism.  Lanham: University Press of America, 2008.

Wilson, Andrew. “Pentagon Pictures: The Civil Divide in Norman Mailer’s The Armies of the Night.” Journal of American Studies 44:4 (2010): 725-740.

Wolfe, Tom.  The New Journalism.  New York: Harper & Row, 1973.

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