Mass Communication and the Postwar Freedom Struggle

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Anderson, Bill.  “The Role of Public Relations in a Counterhegemony: A Case Study of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign.” Public Relations Review 49:4 (2023).

Ashmore, Harry S.  Epitaph for Dixie.  New York: W.W. Norton, 1957.

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Bailey, Ronald W., and Michele Furst, eds. Let Us March On: Selected Civil Rights Photos of Ernest C. Withers, 1955-1968. Boston: Massachusetts College of Art, 1992.

Baptiste, Bala. “How Disc Jockey Vernon Winslow, a.k.a. Dr. Daddy-O, Racially Integrated Radio in New Orleans and Changed the Culture of the Medium.” Louisiana History 54 (Spring 2013): 200–214.

Baptiste, Bala. “Black-Focused Radio and the Civil Rights Movement in New Orleans.” Journal of Radio & Audio Media26:1 (2019): 104-118.  

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Bedingfield, Sid. “The Dixiecrat Summer of 1948: Two South Carolina Editors—a Liberal and a Conservative—Foreshadow Modern Political Debate in the South.” American Journalism 27 (Summer 2010): 91–114.

Bedingfield, Sid.  “John H. McCray, Accommodationism, and the Framing of the Civil Rights Struggle in South Carolina, 1940-48.” Journalism History 37:2 (Summer 2011): 91-101.

Bedingfield, Sid.  Newspaper Wars: Civil Rights and White Resistance in South Carolina, 1935-1965.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017.

Bedinfield, Sid.  “The Journalism of Roy Wilkins and the Rise of Law-and-Order Rhetoric, 1964-1968.” Journalism History 45:3 (2019): 250-269.

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Benn, Alvin.  Reporter: Covering Civil Rights…and Wrongs in Dixie.  Bloomington: Authorhouse, 2006.

Bennett, David Stephen.  “The Televised Revolution: ‘Progressive’ Television Coverage of the 1960 New Orleans School Desegregation Crisis.”  Louisiana History 58:3 (Summer 2017): 339-365.

Berger, Maurice.  For All the World to See: Visual Culture and Civil Rights.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.

Berger, Martin A.  Freedom Now! Forgotten Photographs of the Civil Rights Struggle.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2022. 

Bodroghkozy, Aniko. Equal Time: Television and the Civil Rights Movement. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012.

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Booker, Simeon “A Negro Reporter at the Till Trial.” Nieman Reports (Winter 1999-2000): 136-137.

Booker, Simeon.  Shocking the Conscience: A Reporter’s Account of the Civil Rights Movement.  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013.   Jet magazine

Bosisio, Matthew J. “Hazel Brannon Smith: Pursuing Truth at Her Peril.” American Journalism 18:4 (2001): 69-83.

Bowman, Michael Hugh. “In the Eye of the Beholder: The Little Rock Central Crisis as a Television Event.”  PhD dissertation, Arkansas State University, 2008. 

Bramlett-Solomon, Sharon.  “Civil Rights Vanguard in the Deep South: Newspaper Portrayal of Fannie Lou Hamer, 1964-1977.”  Journalism Quarterly 68 (1991): 515-21.

Breaux, Richard M.  “Using the Press to Fight Jim Crow at Two White Midwestern Universities, 1900–1940.” in The History of Discrimination in U.S. Education: Marginality, Agency, and Power, ed. Eileen H. Tamura, 141–64. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.  

Broussard, Jinx C. “Saviors or Scalawags: The Mississippi Black Press’s Contrasting Coverage of Civil Rights Workers and Freedom Summer, June-August 1964.” American Journalism19:3 (2002): 63-85.    

Brown, Korey Bowers. “Souled Out: Ebony Magazine in an Age of Black Power, 1965–1975.”  PhD dissertation, Howard University, 2010.

Campbell, Yolanda Denise. “Outsiders Within: A Framing Analysis of Eight Black and White U.S. Newspapers’ Coverage of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954–1964.”  PhD dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi, 2011.

Carney, Robert.  What Happened at the Atlanta Times.  Atlanta: Business Press, 1969.   

Carroll, Fred.  Race News: Black Reporters and the Fight for Racial Justice in the Twentieth Century.   Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017.

Carter, Hodding.  “A Southern Liberal Looks at Civil Rights.”  New York Times Magazine (8 August 1948).

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Charbonneau, Stephen.  Projecting Race: Postwar America, Civil Rights, and Documentary Film.  New York: Wallflower Press, 2016.

Clark, Roy Peter, and Raymond Arsenault, eds.  The Changing South of Gene Patterson: Journalism and Civil Rights, 1960-1968.  Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2002.

Classen, Steven D.  Watching Jim Crow: The Struggle over Mississippi TV, 1955-1969.  Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.

Cox, Julian, with Rebekah Jacob and Monica Karales. Controversy and Hope: The Civil Rights Photographs of James Karales. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2013. 

Crane, David L.  Making the Movement: How Activists Fought for Civil Rights with Buttons, Flyers, Pins, and Posters.  Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 2022.

Cumming, Douglas O.  “Finding Facts, Facing South: The Southern Education Reporting Service and the Effort to Inform the South after Brown v. Board, 1954-1960.”  PhD dissertation, University of North Carolina, 2002.

Cumming, Doug.  “Building Resentment: How the Alabama Press Prepared the Ground for New York Times v. Sullivan.”  American Journalism 22:3 (Summer 2005): 7-32.

Cygan, Mary E.  “A Man of His Times: Paul Robeson and the Press, 1924-1976.”  Pennsylvania History 66:1 (Winter 1999):27-46.

Daly, Charles U., ed. The Media and the Cities.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.

Davies, David R., ed.  The Press and Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement.  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001.*

Davis, Rebecca Miller. “Reporting Race and Resistance in Dixie: The White Mississippi Press and Civil Rights, 1944–1964.”  PhD dissertation, University of South Carolina, 2011. 

Delmez, Kathryn E., ed.  We Shall Overcome: Press Photographs of Nashville During the Civil Rights Era.  Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2018.

Delmont, Matthew F.  Why Busing Failed: Conservative Politics, TV News, and the Backlash to Integration.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016.

DiBari Jr., Michael. Advancing the Civil Rights Movement: Race and Geography in LIFE Magazine’s Visual Representation, 1954-1965.  Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017.

Dick, Bailey.  “The Catholic Worker’s Coverage of Civil Rights and Racial Justice.” American Catholic Studies 131:4 (Winter 2020): 1-31.

Doss, Erika.  “Revolutionary Art is a Tool for Liberation: Emory Douglas and Protest Aesthetics at The Black Panther.”  New Political Science 21:2 (1999): 245-259.

Drabble, John.  “Fighting Black Power- New Left Coalitions: Covert FBI Media Campaigns and American Cultural Discourse.”  European Journal of American Culture 27:2 (2008): 65-91.

DuCille, Ann.  Technicolored: Reflections on Race in the Time of TV.  Durham: Duke University Press, 2018.

Dudziak, Mary L.  Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.

Duganne, Erina.  The Self in Black and White: Race and Subjectivity in Postwar American Photography.  Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2010. 

Durant, Sam, ed.  Black Panther: The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas.  New York: Rizzoli, 2007.

Durham, Frank D.  “Anti-Communism, Race, and Structuration: Newspaper Coverage of the Labor and Desegregation Movements in the South, 1932-40 and 1953-61.”  Journalism and Communication Monographs 4:2 (Summer 2002).

Durham, Michael S. Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore.  Rochester N.Y.: Stewart, Tabori & Change, 1991.

Eagles, Charles W.  Jonathan Daniels and Race Relations: The Evolution of a Southern Liberal.  Knoxville: University Press of Tennessee, 1982.

Edmondson, Aimee, and Earnest L. Perry Jr.  “Objectivity and ‘The Journalist’s Creed’: Local Coverage of Lucile Bluford’s Fight to Enter the University Of Missouri School Of Journalism.” Journalism History 33 (Winter 2008): 233–240.

Edmondson, Aimee, and Earnest L. Perry. “To the Detriment of the Institution: The Missouri Student’s Fight to Desegregate the University of Missouri.” American Journalism 27:4 (2010): 105-131.

Edmondson, Aimee.  “In Sullivan’s Shadow: The Use and Abuse of Libel Law Arising from the Civil Rights Movement, 1960-89.”  Journalism History 37:1 (Spring 2011): 27-38.

Edmondson, Aimee.  In Sullivan’s Shadow: The Use and Abuse of Libel Law During the Long Civil Rights Struggle.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2019. 

Eldridge, Lawrence Allen.  Chronicles of a Two Front War: Civil Rights and Vietnam in the African American Press.  Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2011.

Else, Jon.  True South: Henry Hampton, Eyes on the Prize, and the Landmark Television Series That Reframed the Civil Rights Movement.  New York: Penguin, 2017.

Eveleigh, Darcy, Dana Canedy, Damien Cave, and Rachel L. Swarns.  Unseen: Unpublished Black History from the New York Times Photo Archives.  New York: Black Dog & Leventhal, 2017.

Feldstein, Ruth.  How it Feels to be Free: Black Women Entertainers and the Civil Rights Movement. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Fleming-Rife, Anita.  “The More Public School Reform Changes, the More it Stays the Same: A Framing Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of Brown v. Board of Education.” Journal of Negro Education 73:3 (Summer 2004): 239-254.

Fluker, Laurie Hayer.  “The Making of a Medium and a Movement: National Broadcasting Company’s Coverage of the Civil Rights Movement.”  PhD dissertation, University of Texas, 1996.

Fisher, Paul L., and Ralph L. Lowenstein, eds.  Race and the News Media.  New York: Praeger, 1967.

Fleming, Karl.  Son of the Rough South: An Uncivil Memoir.  New York: Public Affairs Press, 2005.  (Newsweek reporter)

Flournoy, John Craig.  “Reporting the Movement in Black and White: The Emmett Till Lynching and the  Montgomery Bus Boycott.”  PhD dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2003.

Forde, Kathy Roberts. “The Fire Next Time in the Civil Sphere: Literary Journalism and Justice in America, 1963.” Journalism 15 (July 2014): 573–588.

Fraley, Todd, and Elli Lester-Roushanzamir.  “Revolutionary Leader or Deviant Thug?  A Comparative Analysis of the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Daily Defender’s Reporting on the Death of Fred Hampton.”  Howard Journal of Communications 15 (2004): 147-167.

Freemon, Monique, and Lori Amber Roessner. “Our Forgotten Mother: Daisy Bates and Her School Integration Plan.” Journalism History 48:3 (July 2022): 242-265.

Fried, Andrew.  “And We’ll All be Free: The Role of the Press in the Integration of the United States Army (1947-1950).”  PhD dissertation, University of Florida, 1994.

Fried, Ben.  “James Baldwin’s Readers: White Innocence and the Reception of “Letter from a Region in My Mind.” African American Review 55:1 (Spring 2022): 69-85.

Friedman, Barbara G.  “A National Disgrace’: Newspaper Coverage of the 1963 Birmingham Campaign in the South and Beyond.”  Journalism History 33:4 (Winter 2008):  224-232.

Gillis, William.  “Say No to Busing and the Liberal Media: Backlash Against the Louisville Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, 1975-76.” Journalism History 35:4 (Winter 2010): 216-228.

Godfried, Nathan. “Identity, Power, and Local Television: African Americans, Organized Labor, and UHF-TV in Chicago, 1962-1968.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 22:2 (June 2002): 117-134.

Good, Paul.  The Trouble I’ve Seen: White Journalist/Black Movement.  Washington DC: Howard University Press, 1975.

Gore, Shannon. “Civil Rights Television Documentaries in the United States: 1960–1966.”  PhD dissertation, Northwestern University, 2009.

Graham, Allison.  Framing the South: Hollywood, Television, and the Civil Rights Struggle.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

Graham, Hugh Davis.  Crisis in Print: Desegregation and the Press in Tennessee.  Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967.

Gray, Herman.  Watching Race: Television and the Struggle for Blackness.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.   

Greenberg, David.  “The Idea of ‘the Liberal Media’ and its Roots in the Civil Rights Movement.”  The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture 1:2 (December 2008): 167-186.

Greer, Brenna Wynn. “Image Matters: Black Representation, Politics, and Civil Rights Work in the Mid-twentieth Century United States.”  PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011.

Grimes, Charlotte.  “Civil Rights and the Press: A Debate.”  Journalism Studies 6:1 (February 2005): 117-134.

Grindy, Matthew A.  “Mississippi Terror, Red Pressure: The Daily Worker’s Coverage of the Emmett Till Murder.”  Controversia 6:1 (Spring 2008): 39-66.

Hall, Kermit L. and Melvin Urofsky.  New York Times v. Sullivan: Civil Rights, Libel Law, and the Free Press.  Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2011.

Hallock, Steve.  A History of the American Civil Rights Movement Through Newspaper Coverage: The Race Agenda, Vol. 1.  New York: Peter Lang, 2018.

Harold, Christine, and Kevin Michael DeLuca.  “Behold the Corpse: Violent Images and the Case of Emmett Till.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8:2 (Summer 2005): 263-286.

Herbers, John N., with Ann Farris.  Deep South Dispatch: Memoir of a Civil Rights Journalist.  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2018.   New York Times correspondent who covered civil rights stories.

Heron, Matt.  “Charles Moore: Civil Rights Photographer.” ASMP Bulletin (February 1993). 

Hilliard, David, ed.  The Black Panther Intercommunal News Service. New York: Atria, 2007.

Hobson, Fred, ed.  South-Watching: Selected Essays by Gerald W Johnson.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1983.

Hoerl, Kristin.  “Mario van Peebles’s Panther and Popular Memories of the Black Panther Party.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 24:3 (August 2007): 206-227.

Hon, Linda Childers.  “To Redeem the Soul of America: Public Relations and the Civil Rights Movement.”  Journal of Public Relations Research 9:3 (1997): 163-212.

Houck, Davis W., and Matthew A. Grindy.  Emmett Till and the Mississippi Press.  Jackson: University Press of Press, 2008.

Hrach, Thomas J.   “An Incitement to Riot: Television’s Role in the Civil Disorders in the Summer of 1967.” Journalism History 37: 3 (Fall 2011): 163-171.

Hrach, Thomas J. “Insults for Sale: The 1957 Memphis Newspaper Boycott” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 72 (Spring 2013): 28–49. 

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Jackson, Sarah J.  Black Celebrity, Racial Politics, and the Press.  New York: Routledge, 2014.

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Kasher, Steven.  The Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History.  New York: Abbeville Press, 1996. 

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Kempton, Murray.  America Comes of Age: Columns, 1955-1962.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1963.

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