Cameron Hysell

Oral History Interview

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Student Reflection

It felt more like a narration by my interviewee, yet I felt somewhat nervous. I found it was incredibly difficult to set up the interview, there was a lot of time constraints in both of our schedules. My interviewee was very lively and had a lot of information to share so I was very appreciative of that.

93% of the BLM Protests were non-violent despite all the bad media coverage I have heard. Additionally, wished I asked if he had any concerns of getting COVID in hindsight.

Honestly, I was excited and a little nervous because I knew how much this grade was worth, but I also wanted to do well and learn a little in the process.

In order to do an oral history you need a certain degree of knowledge of the topic so you can get the full value out of the interview so you ask good questions and draw your own conclusions.

Hopefully post-COVID more practice oral histories/interviews, overall sounds like good skills and probably would help a whole lot in the process of this project.

Find your interviewee early on once you have your topic, it will make your job so much easier. At least have a list of potential interviewees that are willing to