About Me
Hello. I am a professor of journalism and media studies at Marshall University. This page has information about and links to some of the work that I do on campus and as an active scholar in my field. Two of my biggest projects right now are editing the Journal of 20th Century Media History and curating History of Mass Communication in America: An Internet Bibliography.
This page is under construction so there isn’t a lot of content yet. Please email rabe@marshall.edu if you would like more information.

My Research
My research area is the history of American journalism during the middle part of the 20th Century, mostly between the 1930s and the 1970s. I am working on a book and several other smaller projects, all focusing on journalists and media during the Cold War years. Most of my current projects are related to the media and the Vietnam War and related topics.
My Teaching
At Marshall I teach two general kinds of classes. One focuses on skills-based instruction for students who wish to work as journalists or writers. The other classes examine mass media institutions and practices in historical and cultural context. This includes the courses that make up the minor in Media Studies that I initiated at the university recently.
Journal of 20th Century Media History
I am excited to be launching a new online, peer-reviewed academic journal began publishing in Fall 2023. The journal will feature original scholarship on topics across all areas of media and mass communication history during the 20th century. This link will take you to the journal’s website, where you can see all published content and submit your own work.
My CV is the easiest place to see a general overview of my career
These are links to some organizations and publications that are important to me as a teacher and scholar.