
This list contains mostly studies of the television industry, the development of broadcast news, and cultural history of some entertainment programming.  It doesn’t deal much with TV stars and producers, or audience analysis.

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Abernathy-Lear, Gloria.  “African Americans’ Criticisms Concerning African American Representations on Daytime Serials.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 71:4 (1994): 830-839.

Abramson, Albert.  The History of Television, 1880 to 1941.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1987.

Adams, William C., ed.  Television Coverage of International Affairs.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1982.

Ackerman, Colin.  “Public or Private Interest? The History and Impacts of Children’s Television Public Policy in the United States, 1934 to Present.”  Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 12:2 (Spring 2019): 285-304.

Adler, Richard, and Douglass Cater, eds. Television as a Cultural Force. New York: Praeger, 1976.

Alexander, Alison, Louise M. Benjamin, Keisha Hoerrner, and Darrell Roe.  “We’ll Be Back in a Moment: A Content Analysis of Advertisements in Children’s Television in the 1950s.” Journal of Advertising 27:3 (Fall 1998): 1-9.

Allen, Craig.  “News Conferences on TV: Ike Age Politics Revisited.” Journalism Quarterly 70:1 (1993): 13-25.

Allen, Craig M.  News is People: The Rise of Local Television News and the Fall of News From New York.  Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2001.

Allen, Craig. “Gender Breakthrough Fit for a Focus Group: The First Women Newscasters and Why They Arrived in Local TV News.” Journalism History 28:4 (Winter 2003): 154-162.

Allen, Robert C.  Speaking of Soap Operas.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.

Altheide, David L.  Creating Reality: How TV News Distorts Events.  Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, 1976.

Anderson, Christopher.  Hollywood TV: The Studio System in the Fifties.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994.

Anderson, J. Kent. Television Fraud: The History and Implications of the Quiz Show Scandals. New York: Praeger, 1979.

Arlen, Michael J.  The Camera Age.  New York: FSG, 1981.    Arlen published several collections of his New Yorker television criticism that are also insightful.

Armstrong, Jennifer Keishin.  When Women Invented Television: The Untold Story of the Female Powerhouses Who Pioneered the Way We Watch Today. New York: Harper Collins, 2021.

Aubin, Stephen P.  Distorting Defense: Network News and National Security. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998.

Auletta, Ken.  Three Blind Mice: How the TV Networks Lost Their Way.  New York: Random House, 1991.

Auten, Philip J., and Douglas A. Boyd.  “Dumont: The Original Fourth Network.”  Journal of Popular Culture 29:3 (Winter 1995): 63-83.

Baird, David A. “An Emerging Emphasis on Image: Early Press Coverage of Politics and Television.” American Journalism 20:4 (2003): 13-31.

Ballard-Reisch, Deborah.  “China Beach and Tour of Duty: American Television and Revisionist History of the Vietnam War.” Journal of Popular Culture 25:3 (Winter 1991): 135-149.

Bannister, Jennifer Burton.  “From Laboratory to Living Room: The Development of Television in the United States, 1920-1960.” Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, 2001.

Barbree, Jay. Live from Cape Canaveral: Covering the Space Race, from Sputnik to Today. Washington DC: Smithsonian Books, 2007.

Barfield, Ray.  A Word from Our Viewers: Reflections from Early Television Audiences.  Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008.

Barkin, Steve M.  “Eisenhower’s Television Planning Board: An Unwritten Chapter in the History of Political Broadcasting.” Journal of Broadcasting 27:4 (1983): 319-331.

Barkin, Steve M.  American Television News: The Media Marketplace and the Public Interest.  New York: Routledge, 2003.

Barnouw, Erik. The Image Empire: A History of Broadcasting in the United States From 1953.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1970.

Barnouw, Erik. Tube of Plenty: The Evolution of American Television. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.

Barnouw, Eric.  “Blacklisted: How FCC Commissioner Clifford Durr Earned his Place on the Cold War’s Roll of Honor.”  Television Quarterly 28:2 (1996): 60-66.

Baughman, James L.  “The National Purpose and the Newest Medium: Liberal Critics of Television, 1958-1960.”  Mid-America 64:2 (April-July 1982): 41-55.

Baughman, James L.  Television’s Guardians: The FCC and the Politics of Programming, 1958-1967. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1985.

Baughman, James L.  “Television in the Golden Age: An Entrepreneurial Experiment.” Historian 42 (February 1985).

Baughman, James L. The Republic of Mass Culture: Journalism, Filmmaking and Broadcasting in America Since 1941. 3rd Edition.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

Baughman, James L.  Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television, 1948-1961.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.

Baughman, James L. “Show Business in the Living Room: Management Expectations for American Television, 1947-56.” Business and Economic History 26:2 (Winter 1997): 718-726.

Beadle, Mary E., and Michael D.  Murray, eds.  Indelible Images: Women of Local Television.  Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2001.

Becher, Ron. “Hear-See Radio in the World of Tomorrow: RCA and the Presentation of Television at the World’s Fair, 1939-40.”  Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 21:4 (2001): 361-378.

Becker, Christine.  It’s the Pictures That Got Small: Hollywood’s Film Stars on 1950s Television.  Middletown: CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2008.

Beltran, Mary.  Latino TV: A History.  New York: NYU Press, 2022.

Bennett, David Stephen.  “The Televised Revolution: ‘Progressive’ Television Coverage of the 1960 New Orleans School Desegregation Crisis.”  Louisiana History 58:3 (Summer 2017): 339-365.

Bergreen, Laurence.  Look Now, Pay Later: The Rise of Network Broadcasting. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980.

Berke, Annie.  Their Own Best Creations: Women Writers in Postwar Television. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2022.

Berkman, Dave.  “Let’s Sightsee Radiovision- TV Terms That Didn’t Last.” Journalism Quarterly 63:3 (1986): 626-627.

Berkowitz, Edward D. Mass Appeal: The Formative Age of the Movies, Radio, and TV. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Bernhard, Nancy E. US Television News and Cold War Propaganda, 1947-1960. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Besen, Stanley, and Bridger Mitchell.  “Watergate and Television: An Economic Analysis.” Communication Research 3:3 (1976): 243-260.

Bibb, Porter.  It Ain’t As Easy as it Looks: Ted Turner’s Amazing Story.  New York, Crown, 1993.

Blair, Gwenda.  Almost Golden: Jessica Savitch and the Selling of Television News.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.

Bliss, Edward, Jr., ed.  In Search of Light: The Broadcasts of Edward R. Murrow, 1938-1961.  New York: Knopf, 1967.

Bliss, Edward Jr.  Now the News: The Story of Broadcast Journalism.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

Bluem, A. William.  Documentary in American Television: Form, Function, Method.  New York: Hastings House, 1965.

Boddy, William.  Fifties Television: The Industry and Its Critics.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990.

Boddy, William. “Thrills Sweep Like Electric Currents Through Multitudes: Spectacle, Sociality, and Media Competition in Mid-Century America.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 41:3 (2021): 354-377.

Bodroghkozy, Aniko. Groove Tube: Sixties Television and the Youth Rebellion. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001.

Bodroghkozy, Aniko. Equal Time: Television and the Civil Rights Movement. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012.

Bodroghkozy, Aniko.  “Black Weekend: A Reception History of Network Television News and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.”  Television and New Media 14:6 (November 2013): 560-578.

Bodroghkozy, Aniko, ed.  A Companion to the History of American Broadcasting.  Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.

Bodroghkozy, Aniko.  “Political Satire, That Was the Week That Was, and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.” Television and New Media 22:8 (December 2021): 859-877.

Bogart, Leo.  The Age of Television: A Study of Viewing Habits and the Impact of Television on American Life.  New York: Frederick Unger, 1958.

Bogart, Leo.  The Age of Television.  New York: Frederick Ungar, 1972.

Bogle, Donald.  Primetime Blues: African Americans and Network Television.  New York: FSG, 2001.

Bor, Stephanie E.  “Lucy’s Two Babies: Framing the First Televised Depiction of Pregnancy.” Media History 19:4 (November 2013): 464-478.

Boulton, Mark. “Sending the Extremists to the Cornfield: Rod Serling’s Crusade Against Radical Conservatism.” Journal of Popular Culture 47:6): 2014: 1226-1244.

Bowser, Robert.  Television and the Public.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.

Boyer, Peter J.  Who Killed CBS?  The Undoing of America’s Number One News Network.  New York: St. Martin’s, 1988.

Bratslavsky, Lauren. “Broadcast History Gaps When Archival Material Exists: Inserting Peg Lynch and Ethyl and Albert into Sitcom History.” Journal of 20th Century Media History 1:1 (2023): 46-72.

Brinson, Susan L.  The Red Scare, Politics, and the Federal Communication Commission, 1941-1960.  Westport: Praeger, 2004.

Bronstein, Phoebe.  “Southern Projections: Black Television Hosts, Madison Avenue, and Nationalizing the South in 1950s Primetime.” Television & New Media 23:3 (2022): 219-234. 

Brook, Vincent.  “The Americanization of Molly: How Mid-Fifties Television Homogenized The Goldbergs.” Cinema Journal 38:4 (Summer 1999): 533-551.

Brooks, Tim.  The Blackface Minstrel Show in Mass Media: 20th Century Performances on Radio, Records, Film, and Television.  Jefferson: McFarland, 2019.

Brown, Les.  Television: The Business Behind the Box.  New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1971.

Brundson, Charlotte.  Screen Tastes: From Soap Opera to Satellite Dish.  New York: Routledge, 1997.  

Bryant, Jennings, ed.  Television and the American Family.  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1990.

Bullart, B.J.  Public Television: Politics and the Battle Over Documentary Film. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Burns, Gary.  “Visualizing 1950s Hits on Your Hit Parade.” Popular Music 17:2 (May 1998): 139-152.

Burns, Eric.  Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Television’s Conquest of America in the Fifties.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2010.

Burroughs, Todd Steven. “Kerner’s Other Black Explosion: The Chapter 15 Mandate and the Birth of New York’s Black Public Affairs Programming, 1967-68.” Howard Journal of Communication 30:4 (2019): 355-370.

Butler, Bethonie.  Black TV: Five Decades of Groundbreaking Television from Soul Train to Black-ish and Beyond.  New York: Black Dog & Leventhal, 2024.

Butler, Monica L.  “Guardians of the Indian Image’: Controlling Representations of Indigenous Cultures in Television.” The American Indian Quarterly 42:1 (Winter 2018): 1-42.

Buzenberg, Susan and Bill, eds.  Salant, CBS, and the Battle for the Soul of Broadcast Journalism.  Boulder: Westview Press, 1999.  

Byung Joon Lee.  “Attacking the Airwaves: How Television Changed the American Presidential Campaign.”  New England Journal of History 73:1 (Fall 2016): 1-27.

Cailteaux, Karen Sue.  “The Political Blacklist in the Broadcasting Industry: The Decade of the 1950s.” PhD dissertation, Ohio State University, 1972.

Calhoun, Claudia.  Only the Names Have Been Changed: Dragnet, the Police Procedural, and Postwar Culture.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 2022.

Campbell, Kathryn B. “Trying Television: WKOW-TV in the 1950s.” American Journalism 18, no. 2 (2001): 83–102.  (Madison, Wis. station)

Campbell, Richard.  60 Minutes and the News: A Mythology for Middle America.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.

Capo, James A.  “Network Watergate Coverage Patterns in Late 1972 and Early 1973.”  Journalism Quarterly 60 (1983): 595-602.

Capsuto, Steven.  Alternate Channels: The Uncensored Story of Gay and Lesbian Images on Radio and Television, 1930s to the Present.  New York: Ballentine Books, 2000.

Carstarphen, Meta, and John Sanchez, eds.  American Indians and Mass Media. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012.

Cassata, Mary, and Thomas Skill.  Life on Daytime Drama: Tuning in American Serial Drama.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1983.

Cassidy, Marsha F.  “Visible Storytellers: Women Narrators on 1950s Daytime Television.” Style 35:2 (Summer 2001): 354-374.

Cassidy, Marsha F.  What Women Watched: Daytime Television in the 1950s.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.

Castleman, Harry, and Walter J. Podrazik.  Watching TV: Four Decades of American Television.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

Cater, Douglass, and Richard Adler, eds.  Television as a Social Force. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1975.

Cheers, Imani M.  The Evolution of Black Women in Television: Mammies, Matriarchs, and Mistresses.  New York: Routledge, 2017.

Chisholm, Bradley F.  “The CBS Color Television Venture: A Study of Failed Innovation in the Broadcasting Industry.”  PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1987.

Chunovic, Louis.  One Foot on the Floor: The Curious Evolution of Sex on Television from I Love Lucy to South Park.  New York: TV Books, 2000.

Clark, Jennifer S.  Producing Feminism: Television Work in the Age of Women’s Liberation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2024.

Clark, Naeemah. “The Birth of an Advocacy Group: The First Six Years of Action for Children’s Television.” Journalism History 30:2 (Summer 2004): 66-75.

Coates, Norma J.  “It’s a Man’s, Man’s World: Television and the Masculinization of Rock Discourse and Culture.”  PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 2002.

Cole, Barry, and Mal Oettinger.  The Reluctant Regulator: The FCC and the Broadcast Audience.  Boston: Addison Wesley, 1978.

Colt, Barry D., ed.  Television: A Selection of Readings from TV Guide Magazine.  New York: Free Press, 1970.

Conway, Mike.  “The Birth of CBS-TV News: An Ambitious Experiment at the Advent of U.S. Commercial Television.”  Journalism History 32:3 (Fall 2006): 128-137.

Conway, Mike.  “Before the Bloggers: The Upstart News Technology of Television at the 1948 Political Conventions.”  American Journalism 24:1 (Winter 2007): 33-58.

Conway, Mike.  “A Guest in Our Living Room: The Television Newscaster before the Rise of the Dominant Anchor.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media  51:3 (September 2007): 457-478.

Conway, Mike. The Origins of Television News in America: The Visualizers of CBS in the 1940s. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.

Conway, Mike. “The Extemporaneous Newscast: The Lasting Impact of Walter Cronkite’s Local Television News Experiment.” American Journalism 26 (Summer 2009): 33–54.

Conway, Mike.  “The Origins of Television’s ‘Anchor Man’: Cronkite, Swayze, and Journalism Boundary Work.  American Journalism 31:4 (Fall 2014): 445-467.

Conway, Mike.  “The Ghost of Television News in Media History Scholarship.”  American Journalism 34:2 (Spring 2017): 229-239.

Conway, Mike.  Contested Ground: The Tunnel and the Struggle over Television News in Cold War America.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2020.

Cowan, Geoffrey.  See No Evil: The Backstage Battle Over Sex and Violence on TV.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979.

Cox, Jim.  The Daytime Serials of Television, 1946-1950.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006.

Craig, Allen.  “Discovering ‘Joe Six Pack’ Content in Television News: The Hidden History of Audience Research, News Consultants, and the Warner Class Model.”  Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media49 (December 2005): 363–82.

Cramer Brownell, Kathryn. “Watergate, the Bipartisan Struggle for Media Access, and the Growth of Cable Television.” Modern American History 3 (2020): 175-198.

Cranston, Pat.  “Political Conventions Broadcasts: Their History and Influence.”  Journalism Quarterly 7 (Spring 1960): 186-194.

Cressman, Dale L. “Fighting for Access: ABC’s 1965–1966 Feud with NASA.”  American Journalism 24 (Summer 2007): 133–151.   

Crosby, John.  Out of the Blue! A Book About Radio and Television.  New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952.

Culbert, David.  “Television’s Visual Impact on Decision-Making in the USA, 1968: The Tet Offensive and Chicago’s Democratic National Convention.”  Journal of Contemporary History 33:3 (July 1998): 419:449.

Cullen, Jim. From Memory to History: Television Versions of the Twentieth Century.  New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2021.

Curtin, Michael.  Redeeming the Wasteland: Television Documentary and Cold War Politics.  Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1995.

Dalton,  Mary M., and Laura R. Linder, eds.  The Sitcom Reader. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005.

Davies, David R. “From Ridicule to Respect: Newspapers’ Reaction to Television, 1948-1960.” American Journalism 15, no. 4 (1998): 17–33.

Davis, Blair.  “Small Screen, Smaller Pictures: Television Broadcasting and B-Movies in the Early 1950s.”  Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television (Abingdon) 28 (June 2008): 219–38.

Davis, Gerry.  The Today Show: An Anecdotal History. New York: Morrow, 1987.

Day, James.  The Vanishing Vision: The Inside Story of Public Television.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

Dayan, Daniel, and Elihu Katz.  Media Events: The Live Broadcasting of History.  Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.

Dell, Chad.  “Wrestling with Corporate Identity: Defining Television Programming Strategy at NBC, 1945-1950,” in Transmitting the Past: Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Broadcasting, J. Emmett Winn and Susan L. Brinson, eds.  (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005).

Delong, Thomas.  Quiz Craze: American’s Infatuation with Game Shows. New York: Praeger, 1991.

Desjardins, Mary R.  Recycled Stars: Female Film Stardom in the Age of Television and Video.  Durham: Duke University Press, 2015.

Delmont, Matt. “Making Philadelphia Safe for ‘wfil-adelphia’: Television, Housing, and Defensive Localism in Postwar Philadelphia.” Journal of Urban History 38 (January 2012): 89–113.

Denton, Robert E.  The Primetime Presidency of Ronald Reagan.  Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2001.

Devlin, Paul. “Good Night, Sweet Blues and the Legacy of Ida Cox: Jazz, Women, and Agency in Route 66.” Film & History 51:2 (Winter 2021): 30-42.

Diamond, Edwin, and Stephen Bates.  The Spot: The Rise of Political Advertising on Television.  Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988.

Doherty, Thomas.  “Frank Costello’s Hands: Film, Television, and the Kefauver Crime Hearings.” Film History 10:3 (1998): 359-374.

Doherty, Thomas.  Cold War, Cool Medium: Television, McCarthyism, and American Culture.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.

Donahue, Hugh Carter.  The Battle to Control Broadcast News.  Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989.

Donovan, Robert J. Unsilent Revolution: Television News and American Public Life, 1948-1991. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Downey, Gregory J. Closed Captioning: Subtitling, Stenography, and the Digital Convergence of Text with Television.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

Downing, Spencer.  “What TV Taught: Children’s Television and Consumer Culture from Howdy Doody to Sesame Street.” PhD dissertation, University of North Carolina, 2004.

Dunham, Corydon B.  Fighting for the First Amendment: Stanton of CBS vs. Congress and the Nixon White House.  Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1997.

Dunn, Mark.  Quizzing America: Television Game Shows and Popular Culture in the 1950s.  McFarland, 2018.

Eagan, Eileen.  “Our Town in Cold War America: The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (1950-1958).” Film & History 26:1-4 (1996): 62-70.

Eddy, William C.  Television: The Eyes of Tomorrow.  New York: Prentice Hall, 1945.

Edgerton, Gary R. and Peter C. Rollins, eds., Television Histories: Shaping Collective Memory in the Media Age. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2001.*

Edgerton, Gary.  The Columbia History of American Television.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.

Edmondson, Marylyn, and David Rounds.  The Soaps: Daytime Serials of Radio and Television.  New York: Stein and Day, 1973.

Edwardson, Mickie.  “James Lawrence Fly v. David Sarnoff: Blitzkrieg Over Television.” Journalism History 25:3 (Summer 1999): 42-52.

Eisenmann, Thomas R.  “The U.S. Cable Television Industry, 1948-1995: Managerial Capitalism in Eclipse.”  Business History Review 74 (Spring 2000): 1-40.

Ellerbee, Linda.  And So it Goes: Adventures in Television.  New York: Putnam, 1987.

Ellison, Harlan.  The Glass Teat: Essays of Opinion on the Subject of Television.  New York: Ace Books, 1970.

Engelman, Ralph.  “The Origins of Public Access Television, 1966-1972.” Journalism Monographs 73 (October 1990).

Engelman, Ralph.  Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History.  Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1996.

Engelman, Ralph.  Friendlyvision: Fred Friendly and the Rise and Fall of Television Journalism.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.

Epstein, Edward J.  News From Nowhere: Television and the News. New York: Random House, 1973.

Eschler-Fredenrich, Cristi.  “Oral Roberts and the Battle to Access National Network Television.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 65:2 (May 2021): 289-310.

Eskridge, Sara K.  Rube Tube: CBS and Rural Comedy in the Sixties.  Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2019.

Everitt, David.  A Shadow of Red: Communism and the Blacklist in Radio and Television. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2007.

Fager, Jeff.  Fifty Years of 60 Minutes: The Inside Story of Television’s Most Influential News Broadcast.  New York: Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Falk, Andrew J.  “Reading Between the Lines: Negotiating National Identity on American Television, 1945-1960. Diplomatic History 28:2 (2004): 197-225.

Fay, Jennifer.  “Atomic Screen Test.”  Modernism/Modernity 23:3 (September 2016): 611-630.    1952 broadcast of atomic test

Fickers, Andreas, and Catherine Johnson. “Transnational Television History: A Comparative Approach.”  Media History (Abingdon) 16 (February 2010): 1–11.

Fisher, David E. and Marshall Jon Fisher, Tube: The Invention of Television.  Washington DC: Counterpoint, 1996.

Fisher, Heather Elise. “Mythologizing Charles Van Doren: The 1950s, the Media, and the Making of Cultural Memory.” PhD dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2011.

Fitzgerald, Michael Ray.  “The White Savior and His Junior Partner: The Lone Ranger and Tonto on Cold War Television (1949-1957).” Journal of Popular Culture 46:1 (February 2013): 79-108.

Fitzgerald, Michael Ray. Native Americans on Network TV: Stereotypes, Myths, and the “Good Indian.”  Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2013. 

Fitzgerald, Michael Ray.  “The Indianized White Man and the Anglicized Indian: Imperial and Anti-Imperial Discourse in NBC’s Daniel Boone, 1964-1970.” Journal of American Culture 37:3 (September 2014): 281-289.

Flach, Kate L. “America’s Nervous Breakdown: Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, Popular Psychology, and the Demise of the Housewife in the 1970s.” Journal of 20th Century Media History 1:1 (2023): 3-29.

Foley, Karen Sue.  The Political Blacklist in the Broadcasting Industry: The Decade of the 1950s.  New York: Arno Press, 1979.

Foote, Joe S. Television Access and Political Power: The Networks, the Presidency, and the Loyal Opposition. New York: Praeger, 1990.

Forman, Murray.  One Night on TV is Worth Weeks at the Paramount: Popular Music on Early Television.  Durham: Duke University Press, 2012.

Forr, James. “Commercial Television Arrives in Missouri: The Birth of ksd-tv in St. Louis.” Missouri Historical Review 105 (July 2011): 233–244.

Foust, James C. and Katherine A. Bradshaw.  “Something for the Boys: Framing Images of Women in BroadcastingMagazine in the 1950s.” Journalism History 22:2 (Summer 2007): 93-100.

Foust, James C.  “We Need This Television Just Like Any Other American Citizen: The Battle over Western TV Boosters.” American Journalism 35:1 (Winter 2018): 27-49.

Foust, James C. “The Paternalistic Eye: Senator Edwin Johnson and the U.S. Television Freeze.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 38:3 (2018): 584-602.

Frank, Reuven.  Out of Thin Air.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996.

Friendly, Fred.  Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control.  New York: Random House, 1967.

Friendly, Fred W.  “The Unselling of ‘The Selling of the Pentagon.” Harpers (June 1971): 30-

Fuller, Linda K.  Community Television in the United States: A Sourcebook on Public, Educational, and Governmental Access. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Fuller-Seeley, Kathryn.  “Well!’  Jack Benny’s Unperformative Performance in His Transition from Radio to Television.”  Journal of Film & Video 68:3 /4 (Fall/Winter 2016): 18-29.

Galili, Doron.  Seeing by Electricity: The Emergence of Television, 1878-1939.  Durham: Duke University Press, 2020.

Gans, Herbert. Deciding What’s News. New York: Pantheon, 1979.

Gates, Gary Paul.  Air Time: The Inside Story of CBS News.  New York: Harper & Row, 1978.

Gauger, Michael.  “Flickering Images: Live Television Coverage and Viewership of the Army–McCarthy Hearings.”  Historian 67 (Winter 2005): 678–93.

Getz Rouse, Morleen.  “A History of the F. W. Ziv Radio and Television Production and Syndication Companies, 1930-1960.”  PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1976. 

Gitlin, Todd.  Inside Prime Time, revised edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000.

Gitlin, Todd., ed., Watching Television. New York: Pantheon, 1986.* 

Godfrey, Donald G. “CBS World News Roundup: Setting the Stage for the Next Half Century.” American Journalism 7, no. 3 (1990): 164–72.

Godfrey, Donald G.  Philo T. Farnsworth: The Father of Television.  Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2001.

Godfrey, Donald G., and Susan L. Brinson, eds.  Routledge Reader on Electronic Media History.   New York: Routledge, 2015.   

Goldenson, Leonard, and Marvin J. Wolf.  Beating the Odds: The Untold Story Behind the Rise of ABC.  New York: Scribner’s, 1991.

Goldstein, Leigh.  “Designing Women!  Space, Affect, and Femininity in Postwar American Public Affairs Television.” Critical Studies in Television 9:2 (Summer 2014): 39-53.

Gomery, Douglas. “Rethinking TV History.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 74:3 (1997): 501-514.

Gomery, Douglas.  “Finding TV’s Pioneering Audiences.” Journal of Popular Film & Television 29:3 (Fall 2001): 121-129.

Gomery, Douglas.  A History of Broadcasting in the United States.  New York: Wiley, 2008.

Gottfried, Erika. “‘TWU ON TV!’ – The Transport Workers’ Union and Television in the Early 1950s and 1960s.” Film History: An International Journal 20, no. 4 (2008): 508-512.

Gould, Lewis L., ed.  Watching Television Come of Age: The New York Times Reviews of Jack Gould.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002.

Graham, Allison.  Framing the South: Hollywood, Television, and the Civil Rights Struggle.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

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