Sports Journalism

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Adelman, Melvin L.  A Sporting Time: New York City and the Rise of Modern Athletics, 1820-1870.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986.

Anderson, William B. “Sports Page Boosterism: Atlanta and Its Newspapers Accomplish the Unprecedented.” American Journalism  17, no. 3 (2000): 89–107.

Anderson, William B.  “Does the Cheerleading Ever Stop?: Major League Baseball and Sports Journalism.”  Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 78 (Summer 2001): 339-366.

Bales, Jack. “It Was His Fairness That Caught Wrigley’s Eye: William L. Veeck’s Journalism Career and His Hiring by the Chicago Cubs.” NINE: A Journal of Baseball and Culture 20:2 (Spring 2012): 1-14.

Barber, Red.  The Broadcasters.  New York: DaCapo, 1985.

Battema, Douglas Lee. “Going for the Gold: A History of the Olympic Games and United States Television, 1956-1988.” PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 2002.

Bellamy, Robert V., and James R. Walker.  “Baseball and Television Origins: The Case of the Cubs.” NINE 10:1 (Fall 2001): 31-45.

Berkman, Dave.  “Long Before Arledge:  Sports and Television, The Earliest Years- 1937-1947- as Seen by the Contemporary Press.”  Journal of Popular Culture 22 (Fall 1988): 49-62.

Betts, John R.  “Sporting Journalism in Nineteenth Century America.”  American Quarterly 5 (Spring 1953).

Bleske, Glen, and Chris Lamb.  “Democracy on the Field: The Black Press Takes on White Baseball.”  Journalism History 24:2 (Summer 1998): 51-59.

Bloom, John.  There You Have It: The Life, Legacy, and Legend of Howard Cosell. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2010.

Bohn, Michael K.   Heroes and Ballyhoo: How the Golden Age of the 1920s Transformed American Sports. Dulles: Potomac, 2009.

Bowden, Mark.  The Best Game Ever: Giants vs. Colts, 1958, and the Birth of the Modern NFL.  Atlantic Monthly Press, 2008.

Bunk, Brian D.  “Harry Wills and the Image of the Black Boxer from Jack Johnson to Joe Louis.” Journal of Sport History 39:1 (Spring 2012): 63-80.

Cahan, Richard.  “Champions: Sports and the Chicago Daily News.” Chicago History 31 (Spring 2003): 20–41.

Carhalho, John.  “The Banning of Bill Tilden: Amateur Tennis and Professional Journalism in Jazz-Age America.”  Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 84:1 (Spring 2007): 122-136.

Carroll, Brian. “From Fraternity to Fracture:  Black Press Coverage of and Involvement in Negro League Baseball in the 1920s.” American Journalism 23:2 (Spring 2006): 69-95.

Carroll, Brian. “North vs. South: Chicago Defender Coverage of the Integration of Professional Baseball in the City.” Journalism History 33:3 (Fall 2007): 163-172.

Carroll, Brian.  “This is IT: The PR Campaign by Wendell Smith and Jackie Robinson.” Journalism History 37: 3 (Fall 2011): 151-162.

Carroll, Brian.  When to Stop Cheering? The Black Press, the Black Community, and the Integration of Professional Baseball.  New York: Routledge, 2006.

Carvalho, John.  “Bad Times But Still Swingin’: World Series Coverage Before and During the Depression.”  NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 13:1 (Fall 2004): 81-93.

Carvalho, John.  “Haunted by the Babe: Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick’s Columns about Babe Ruth.”  American Journalism 25:4 (Fall 2008): 65-82.

Carvalho, John, and Nicholas Kirby.  “Looking Bad on Paper, Worse on Film: Portrayals of Journalists in Three Classic Baseball Films.”  NINE 17:2 (Spring 2009): 45-57.

Catsis, John R.  Sports Broadcasting.  Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1996.

Chandler, Joan.  Television and National Sport:  The United States and Britain.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988.

Congdon, Lee.  Legendary Sportswriters of the Golden Age: Grantland Rice, Red Smith, Shirley Povich, and W.C. Heinz.  Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

Cressman, Dale L. “The Pigskin and the Picture Tube: The National Football League’s First Full Season on the CBS Television Network.”  Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 51 (September 2007): 479–497.   

Dawkins, Wayne.  Sam Lacy and Wendell Smith: The Dynamic Duo That Desegregated American Sports.  New York: Routledge, 2024.

Deford, Frank.  Over Time: My Life as a Sportswriter.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012.

Dinan, John.  Sports in the Pulp Magazines.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998.

Drake, Robert.  “Jesse Who?  Race, the Southern Press, and the 1936 Olympic Games.” American Journalism 28:3 (Fall 2011): 81-110.

Drake, Robert. “Joe Louis, the Southern Press, and the ‘Fight of the Century.’” Sport History Review 43 (May 2012): 1–17.

Eskenazi, Gerald.  A Sportswriter’s Life: From the Desk of a New York Times Reporter.  Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2004.

Estes, David C.  “The Rival Sporting Weeklies of William Porter and Thomas Bangs Thorpe.” American Journalism 2:2 (1985): 135-143.

Evensen, Bruce J.  “Jazz Age Journalism’s Battle Over Professionalism, Circulation, and the Sports Page.” Journal of Sport History 20:3 (1993): 229-246.

Evensen, Bruce J.  “Cave Man” Meets “Student Champion”: Sports Page Storytelling for a Nervous Generation during America’s Jazz Age.”  Journalism Quarterly 70 (1993) :767-79. 

Evensen, Bruce J.  When Dempsey Fought Tunney: Heroes, Hokum, and Storytelling in the Jazz Age.  Knoxville: University of Kentucky Press, 1996.

Fetter, Henry D. “From ‘Stooge’ to ‘Czar’: Judge Landis, the Daily Worker, and the Integration of Baseball.”  American Communist History 6 (June 2007): 29–63.

Fisher, Heinz-Dietrich.  Sports Journalism at Its Best: Pulitzer Prize Winning Articles, Cartoons, and Photographs.  Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1995.

Fountain, Charles.  Sportswriter: The Life and Times of Grantland Rice.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.   (NY Tribune)

Fuller, Linda K., ed.  Sport, Rhetoric, and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Gallico, Paul.  Farewell to Sport.  New York: Knopf, 1940.   

Gamache, Raymond W.  “Evolution of the Sportscast Highlight Form: From Peep Show to Pathé to Pastiche.”  PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 2008.

Gamache, Ray. “Sport as Cultural Assimilation: Representations of American Indian Athletes in the Carlisle School Newspaper.” American Journalism 26 (Spring 2009): 7–37.

Gamache, Raymond.  A History of Sports Highlights: Replayed Plays From Edison to ESPN.  Jefferson: McFarland, 2010.

Garrison, Bruce, and Mark Sabljak.  Sports Reporting.  Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1993.

Geltner, Ted.  Last King of the Sports Page: The Life and Career of Jim Murray.  Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2012.

Gildea, Dennis. “Science Versus Size: ‘Science’ as a Keyword in the Newspaper Debate over Bare-Knuckle Prize Fighting.” American Journalism 10: 1/2 (1993): 102-118.

Gillis, William.  “Rebellion in the Kingdom of Swat: Sportswriters, African American Athletes, and Coverage of Curt Flood’s Lawsuit Against Major League Baseball.” American Journalism 26:2 (2009): 67-97.

Hagerman, Bonnie M.  “Skimpy Coverage: Sportswomen in Sports Illustrated, 1954-2000.”  PhD dissertation, Ohio University, 2001.

Halberstam, David J.  Sports on New York Radio: A Play by Play History.  Chicago: Masters Press, 1999.

Ham, Eldon L.  Broadcasting Baseball: A History of the National Pastime on Radio and Television.  Jefferson: McFarland, 2011.

Harwell, Ernie.  Tuned to Baseball.  South Bend: Diamond Press, 1985.

Haygood, Daniel Marshall.  “Tel Ra Productions: The Unknown Story of a Philadelphia Production Company That Captured Americans’ Passion for Sports on Film in the Post-WWII Era.” American Journalism 41:1 (2024): 86-119.

Hirshon, Nicholas. “The Myth of the Nassau Mausoleum: A Brainchild of the First All-Sports Radio Station.” Journalism History 41:3 (2015): 139-152.

Hirshorn, Nicholas. “One More Miracle: The Groundbreaking Media Campaign of John ‘Mets’ Lindsay.” American Journalism 34:1 (2017): 2-25.

Hirshon, Nicholas.  “A Forgotten Pioneer in Sports Television: Phillies Jackpot Bowling (1959-1960).” American Journalism 36:2 (2019): 196-219.

Holtzman, Jerome.  No Cheering in the Pressbox.  New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1974.  (interwar sports writers)

Husing, Ted.  Ten Years Before the  Mike.  New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1935.  (early sports announcer for KDKA, CBS)

Hutchison, Phillip J.  “Reexamining Jack Johnson, Stereotypes, and America’s White Press, 1908-1915.”  Howard Journal of Communication 23:3 (2012): 215-234.

Hutchison, Philip J.  “Usually White, But Not Always Great: A Journalistic Archaeology of White Hopes, 1908-2013.”  Journalism History 39:4 (Winter 2014): 231-240.

Hutchison, Phillip J. “From Bad Buck to White Hope: Journalism and Sonny Liston, 1958-1965.” Journal of Sports Media 10:1 (Spring 2015): 119-137.

Hutchison, Phillip J.  “Gay Talese and Floyd Patterson: Constructing a Liminal Hero for an Ambivalent Age.” Journal of Sports Media 14:1/2 (Spring-Fall 2019): 47-66.

Inabinett, Mark.  Grantland Rice and His Heroes: The Sportswriter as Mythmaker in the 1920s.  Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1994.

Johnson, Thomas C. “Television, Pro Football, and Mobile Privatization, 1939-1970.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 41:3 (2021):338-353.

Jolliffe, Lee, and J. Steven Smethers.  “The Role of Telegraphy in the Development of Radio Sportscasting: The Case of Baseball.”  Journal of Radio Studies 1 (1992): 83-96.

Kaszuba, David.  “They Are Women, Hear Them Roar: Female Sportswriters of the Roaring Twenties.”  PhD dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 2003.   

Kaszuba, Dave. “A Sports Journalism Bibliography Compiled.” American Journalism 23:2 (2006): 115-160.

Kaszuba, Dave. “Bringing Women to the Sports Pages: Margaret Goss and the 1920s.” American Journalism 23:2 (2006): 13-44.

Kaszuba, Dave.  “Ringside, Hearthside: Sports Scribe Jane Dixon Embodies Struggle of Jazz Age Women Caught Between Two Worlds.”  Journalism History 35:3 (Fall 2009): 141-150.

Khan, Abraham Iqbal. Curt Flood in the Media: Baseball, Race, and the Demise of the Activist-Athlete. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2012.

Koppett, Leonard.  Sports Illusion, Sports Reality: A Reporter’s View of Sports, Journalism, and Society.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Koppett, Leonard.  The Rise and Fall of the Press Box.  Toronto: Sport Media Publishing, 2003.

Lamb, Chris, and Glen Bleske.  “The Road to October 23, 1945: The Press and the Integration of Baseball.”  Nine: A Journal of Baseball and Social Policy 6 (Fall 1997): 48-68.

Lamb, Chris, and Glen Bleske. “Democracy on the Field: The Black Press Takes on White Baseball.”  Journalism History 24:2 (Spring 1998): 51-59. 

Lamb, Chris.  Blackout: The Untold Story of Jackie Robinson’s First Spring Training.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2004.

Lamb, Chris.  Conspiracy of Silence: Sportswriters and the Long Campaign to Desegregate Baseball.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

Lannin, Joanne.  Who Let Them In? Pathbreaking Women in Sports Journalism.  Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022.

Laucella, Pamela C.  Jesse Owens, the Press, and the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.  New York: Routledge, 2009.

Leeke, Jim.  Ballplayers in the Great War: Newspaper Accounts of Major Leaguers in World War I Military Service.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. 

Lever, Janet, and Stanton Wheeler.  “The Chicago Tribune Sports Page, 1900-1950.”  Sociology of Sport Journal 1 (1994): 299-313.

Lorenz, Alfred Lawrence.  “In the Wake of the News: The Beginnings of a Sports Column, by HEK.”  American Journalism 9 (Winter-Spring 1992): 65-86.

McCambridge, Michael. The Franchise: A History of Sports Illustrated.   New York: Hyperion, 1997.

McChesney, Robert W.  “Media Made Sport: A History of Sports Coverage in the United States,” in Media, Sports, and Society, ed. Lawrence A. Wenner.   Newbury Park: SAGE, 1989. 

McNamee. Graham.  You’re On the Air.  New York: Harper, 1926.  (early sports announcer for WEAF, NBC radio)

McTaggart, Ursula.  “Writing Baseball into History: The Pittsburgh Courier, Integration, and Baseball in a War of Position.” American Studies 47:1 (Spring 2006): 113-132.

Mangun, Kimberley. “Marshall ‘Major’ Taylor and the Summer of 1910: How Salt Lake City Newspapers Framed the Bicycle Racer’s Final Season.” Newspaper Research Journal 34:3 (Summer 2013): 36-59.

Massaro, John.  “Press Box Propaganda? The Cold War and Sports Illustrated, 1956.”  Journal of American Culture 26:3 (September 2003): 361-370.

Media History Digest 12:2 (Fall-Winter 1992).  Special issue on sports journalism

Mogren, Eric.  “Miss Billie’s Deer: Women in Bow Hunting Journals, 1920-1960.” Journal of Sport History 40:2 (Summer 2013): 215-239.

Monk, Neil.  “When Eustace Tilley Came to Madison Square Garden: Professional Hockey and the Editorial Policy of the New Yorker in the 1920s and 1930s.” American Periodicals 15:2 (2005): 178-195.

Montez de Oca, Jeffrey. “A Cartel in the Public Interest: NCAA Broadcast Policy During the Early Cold War.”  American Studies 49:3/4 (Fall/Winter 2008): 157-194.

Montez de Oca, Jeffrey. Discipline and Indulgence: College Football, Media, and the American Way of Life during the Cold War. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2013. 

Moretti, Anthony J. “The Cold War and the Olympics: Coverage in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times of the United States’ and Soviet Union’s Pursuit of Athletic Supremacy, 1948-1988.” PhD dissertation, Ohio University, 2004.

Neal-Lunsford. “Sport in the Land of Television: The Use of Sport in Network Prime-Time Schedules, 1946-1950.” Journal of Sport History 19:1 (Spring 1992): 56-76.

O’Mahony, Mike. Olympic Visions: Images of the Games through History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Oriard, Michael.  Reading Football: How the Popular Press Created an American Spectacle.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993.

Oriard, Michael.  King Football: Sport and Spectacle in the Golden Age of Radio and Newsreels, Movies and Magazines, the Weekly and the Daily Press. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003.

Oriard, Michael. Brand NFL: Making and Selling America’s Favorite Sport.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007.   

Oriard, Michael.  Bowled Over: Big-Time College Football from the Sixties to the BCS Era.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009.

Oriard, Michael.  The Art of Football: The Early Game in the Golden Age of Illustration.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017.

Osselaer, Heidi J. “The ONLY Woman Sports Scribe: The Career of Sally Jacobs at the Arizona Republican Newspaper, 1912-1922.” Journal of Arizona History 62:4 (Winter 2021): 507-535.

O’Toole, Kathleen M. “Intercollegiate Football and Educational Radio: Three Case Studies of the Commercialization of Sports Broadcasting in the 1920s and 1930s.” PhD dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 2010.

O’Toole, Kathleen M.  “John L. Griffith and the Commercialization of College Sports on Radio in the 1930s.”  Journal of Sport History 40:2 (Summer 2013): 241-257.

Parente, D. E.  “A History of Television and Sports.”  PhD dissertation, University of Illinois, 1975.

Patton, Phil.  Razzle Dazzle: The Inside Story of Network Television Sports.  New York: Dial Press, 1984.

Peterson, Jason.  “A ‘Race’ for Equality: Print Media Coverage of the 1968 Olympic Protest by Tommie Smith and John Carlos,” American Journalism, 26 (Spring 2009): 99–121.

Peterson, Jason A. “Full Court Press: How Mississippi Newspapers Helped Keep State College Basketball Segregated, 1955–1973.”  PhD dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi, 2011.

Peterson, Jason A.  “They Deserve a Stinging Defeat: How Mississippi Newspapers’ Coverage of the 1955 Junior Rose Bowl Protected a Closed Society.” American Journalism 29:2 (Spring 2012): 93-123.

Peterson, Scott D.  Reporting Baseball’s Sensational Season of 1890: The Brotherhood War and the Rise of Modern Sports Journalism.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.

Peterson, Scott D.  “Picturing Sports: Finding the ‘Actual’ in Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Sporting News.” Journalism History 41:3 (Fall 2015):129-138.

Peterson, Scott D. “Muscular Heathenism versus Odor of Chivalry: A Critical Cultural Comparative Analysis of the Illustrated Newspaper Coverage of an 1860 Boxing Match.” Journalism History 45:1 (2019): 45-60.

Povich, Shirley.  All Those Mornings…at the Post: The Twentieth Century in Sports from the Famed Washington Post Columnist Shirley Povich.  New York: Public Affairs, 2006.

Powers, Ron. Supertube: The Rise of Television Sports. New York: Coward-McCann, 1984.

Primm, Eric, Summer DuBois, and Robert Regoli.  “Every Picture Tells a Story: Racial Representation on Sports Illustrated Covers.”  Journal of American Culture 30: 2 (June 2007): 222-231.

Rader, Benjamin G.  In Its Own Image: How Television Has Transformed Sport.  New York: The Free Press, 1984.

Rapoport, Ron, ed.  From Black Sox to Three-Peats: A Century of Chicago’s Best Sports Writing from the Tribune, Sun-Times, and Other Newspapers.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Reel, Guy. “Richard Fox, John L. Sullivan, and the Rise of Modern American Prize Fighting.” Journalism History 27:2 (Summer 2001): 73-85.

Reid, Leonard N., and Lawrence C. Soley. “Sports Illustrated Coverage of Women in Sports.” Journalism Quarterly 56:4 (1979): 861-863.

Reisler, Jim.  Black Writers- Black Baseball: An Anthology of Articles from Black Sportswriters who Covered the Negro Leagues.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994.

Reisler, Jim.  Guys, Dolls, and Curveballs: Runyon on Baseball.  New York: Carroll & Graff, 2005.

Ribowski, Mark.  Howard Cosell: The Man, the Myth, and the Transformation of American Sports.  New York: W.W. Norton, 2011.

Roberts, Randy, and James Olson.  Winning is the Only Thing: Sports in America Since 1945.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.

Rodgers, Ronald.  “Baseball and the News.” American Journalism 37:4 (Fall 2020): 450-475.

Roessner, Lori Amber.  “Hero Crafting in Sporting Life, an Early Baseball Journal.” American Journalism 26 (Spring 2009): 39–65.

Roessner, Lori Amber.  “Remembering the Georgia Peach: Popular Press, Public Memory, and the Shifting Legacy of an (anti) Hero.”  Journalism History 36:2 (Summer 2010): 83-95.  (Ty Cobb)

Roessner, Lori Amber. “Coloring America’s Pastime: Sporting Life’s Coverage of Race and the Emergence of Baseball’s Color Line, 1883–1889.” American Journalism 28 (Summer 2011): 85–114.

Roessner, Amber. “The Ladies and the Tramps: The Negotiation of a ‘Woman’s Place’ in the National Pastime in Sporting Life.” Journalism History 39:3 (2013): 134-144.

Roessner, Amber.  Inventing Baseball Heroes: Ty Cobb, Christy Mathewson, and the Sporting Press in America.  Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2014.

Rondinone, Troy.  Friday Night Fighter: Caspar “Indio” Ortega and the Golden Age of Television Boxing.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2013.

Russell, Fred.  Bury Me in an Old Press Box: Good Times and a Life of a Sportscaster.  New York: A.S. Barnes, 1957.

Rutter, Emily Ruth.  Black Celebrity: Contemporary Representations of Postbellum Athletes and Artists. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2021.

Schulian, John, ed.  The Great American Sports Page: A Century of Classic Columns from Ring Lardner to Sally Jenkins.  Washington: Library of America, 2019.

Silber, Irwin.  Press Box Red: The Story of Lester Rodney, the Communist Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.

Silva, Tony.  Baseball Over the Air: The National Pastime on the Radio and in the Imagination.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007.

Smethers, J. Steven. “Re-Creation in Radio Sports Broadcasting: An Oral History.” PhD dissertation, University of Missouri, 1991.

Smith, Curt.  Voices of the Game: The First Full-Scale Overview of Baseball Broadcasting, 1921 to the Present.  South Bend: Diamond Press, 1987.

Smith, Curt.  Of Mikes and Men: From Ray Scott to Curt Gowdy.  South Bend: Diamond Press, 1998.

Smith, Ronald A.  Play By Play: Radio, Television, and Big-Time College Sport.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

Socolow, Michael J.  “Live From ‘America’s Rhineland’: The Poughkeepsie Regatta and Early American Network Sports Broadcasting, 1925-1940.”  Journal of Sport History 43:2 (Summer 2016): 149-167.

Socolow, Michael J.  Six Minutes in Berlin: Broadcast Spectacle and Rowing Gold at the Nazi Olympics.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016.

Sowell, Michael. “The Myth Becomes the Mythmaker: Bat Masterson as a New York Sports Writer.” Journalism History26:1 (Spring 2000): 2-14.

Sowell, Mike.  “Is She or Isn’t He? Exploring the Gender Identity Controversy Over the First Amendment Byline in a National Sports Publication.” Journalism History 37:4 (Winter 2012): 228-237.

Sowell, Mike. “Nellie Bly’s Forgotten Stunt: As the First Women to Cover a Championship Prize Fight, She Claimed to Have Gained Rare Access to Jack Dempsey.” American Journalism 21:3 (2004): 55-76.

Spence, Jim.  Up Close and Personal: The Inside Story of Network Television Sports. New York: Atheneum, 1988.

Stevens, John D. “The Black Press and the 1936 Olympics.”  American Journalism 14:1 (1997): 97-102. 

Streible, Dan.  Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.

Strychacz, Thomas.  “American Sports Writers and ‘Unruly Rooters’: The Significance of Orderly Spectating.”  Journal of American Studies 28:1 (April 1994): 84-89.

Sugar, Bert.  The Thrill of Victory: The Inside Story of ABC Sports.  New York: Hawthorne Books, 1978.

Tanner, Stacy Lynn. “On the Replay: The Paradox of the Reel Female Athlete in Early American Women’s Sport Cinema, 1924–1965.”  PhD dissertation, Florida State University, 2013.

TePoela, Dain. “Mary Garber’s Coverage of Black Sports in the U.S. Segregated South, 1944–1964.” International Journal of the History of Sport 31:3 (2014): 1598–1616.

Towers, Wayne M.  “World Series Coverage in New York City in the 1920s.”  Journalism Monographs 73 (August 1981).

Townsend, Stephen.  “From ‘Pitifully Ignorant’ to the ‘People’s Champion’: Shifting Perceptions of Muhammad Ali in the Louisville Defender, 1964-1971.” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115:4 (Autumn 2017): 611-643.

Trimble, Patrick Adam.  The Media and the Creation of Babe Ruth.  New York: Routledge, 2009.

Vogan, Travis.  “Irrational Power: Jack Johnson, Prizefighting Films, and Documentary Affect.” Journal of Sport History 37:3 (Fall 2010): 397-413.

Vogan, Travis.  Keepers of the Flame: NFL Films and the Rise of Sports Media. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2014.

Vogan, Travis.  “Monday Night Football and the Racial Roots of the Network TV Event.”  Television and New Media 18:3 (March 2017): 235-251.

Vogan, Travis.  “Exhibiting Ali’s Super Fights: The Contested Politics and Brief History of Closed-Circuit Boxing Broadcasts.” Film History 30:3 (2018): 1-31.  

Vogan, Travis.  ABC Sports: The Rise and Fall of Network Sports Television.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2018.

Vogan, Travis.  The Boxing Film: A Cultural and Transmedia History.  New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020.

Walker, James R., and Robert V. Bellamy Jr. Center Field Shot: A History of Baseball on Television. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.

Walker, James R.  “The Baseball-Radio War, 1931-1935.” NINE 19:2 (Spring 2011): 53-60.

Walker, James R.  Crack of the Bat: A History of Baseball on the Radio.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2015.

Washburn, Patrick S., and Chris Lamb.  Sports Journalism: A History of Glory, Fame, and Technology.   Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020.

Weaver, Bill L.  “The Black Press and the Assault on Baseball’s Color Line, October 1945-April 1947.” Phylon 40:4 (1979): 303-317.

Williams, Linda D. “An Analysis of American Sportswomen in Two Negro Newspapers:  The Pittsburgh Courier, 1924-1948 and the Chicago Defender, 1932-1948.” PhD dissertation, Ohio State University, 1987.

Winston, Matthew.  “How Do You Like America?: Hunter S. Thompson and Gonzo Sports Journalism.” Journalism Studies 16:3 (June 2015): 403-416.

Woodward, Stanley.  Sports Page.  New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949.

Woodward, Stanley.  Paper Tiger.  New York: Atheneum, 1964.  

Zingg, Paul, ed.  The Sporting Image: Readings in American Sport History.  Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.

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