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Abrams, Nathan.  Commentary Magazine, 1945-1959: A Journal of Significant Thought and Opinion.  London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2007.  

Abrams, Nathan.  Norman Podhoretz and Commentary Magazine: The Rise and Fall of the Neocons.  New York: Continuum, 2010.

Abrahamson, David.  The American Magazine: Research Perspectives and Prospects.  Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1995.

Abrahamson, David.  Magazine-Made America: The Cultural Transformation of the Postwar Periodical.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1996.

Abrahamson, David, and Carol Polsgrove. “The Right Niche: Consumer Magazines and Advertisers,” in A History of the Book in America, vol. 5: The Enduring Book; Print Culture in Postwar America, ed. David Paul Nord, Joan Shelley Rubin, and Michael Schudson, 107–18. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009.

Abrams, Nathan. “A Significant Journal of Jewish Opinion?: The Jewishness of Commentary Magazine.” American Jewish Archives Journal 55 (no. 1, 2003), 35­62.

Ackerman, Martin.  The Curtis Affair.  Los Angeles: Nash Publishing, 1970.

Ackerman, Michael. “Interpreting the ‘Newer Knowledge of Nutrition’: Science, Interests, and Values in the Making of Dietary Advice in the United States, 1915–1965.”  Phd dissertation, University of Virginia, 2005.

Alred, Jeff.  “Boring From Within: James Agee and Walker Evans at Time, Inc.” Criticism 52:1 (Winter 2010): 41-70.

Amory, Cleveland, ed.  Vanity Fair: A Cavalcade of the 1920s and 1930s.  New York: Viking Press, 1960.

Anderson, Elliot, and Mary Kinze, eds.  The Little Magazine in America: A Modern Documentary History.  Yonkers, NY: Pushcart Press, 1978.

Anderson, Jill. “A Friend, a Nimble Mind, and a Book: Girls’ Literary Criticism in Seventeen Magazine, 1958-1969.” Journal of American Studies 55:4 (2021): 815-840.

Angeletti, Norberto, and Alberto Olivia.  Magazines That Make History: Their Origins, Development, and Influence. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004.

Anson, Robert Sam.  Gone Crazy and Back Again: The Rise and Fall of the Rolling Stone Generation.  New York: Doubleday, 1981.

Archer, William.  “The American Cheap Magazine.”  Fortnightly Review (2 May 1910): 921-932.

Arenz, Deb. “The Illustrator’s Pencil: John Falter from Nebraska to the Saturday Evening Post.” Nebraska History 93 (Spring 2012): 2–27. 

Aronson, Amy Beth.  Taking Liberties: Early American Women’s Magazines and Their Readers.  Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002.

Aronson, Amy.  “Still Reading Women’s Magazines: Reconsidering the Tradition a Half Century After The Feminine Mystique.”  American Journalism 27:2 (Spring 2010): 31-61.

Arthur, Craig, and Anthony Kwame Harrison. “Reading Billboard 1979-1989: Exploring Rap Music’s Emergence Through the Music Industry’s Most Influential Trade Magazine.” Popular Music and Society 34:3 (2011): 307-327.

Ashley, Mike, and Marshall B. Tymn.  Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines.  Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986.

Ashley, Mike.  The Time Machines: The Story of the Science Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginnings to 1950.  Liverpool, Eng.: Liverpool University Press, 2000.

Association of National Advertisers.  Magazine Circulation and Rate Trends, 1940-1974.  New York: Association of National Advertisers, 1976.

Augspurger, Michael. “Henry Luce, Fortune, and the Attraction of Italian Fascism.” American Studies 41:1 (Spring 2000): 115-139.

Augspurger, Michael J.  “An Economy of Abundant Beauty: Fortune and the Culture of Corporate Liberalism.”  PhD dissertation, University of Iowa, 2001.

Baggett, Holly.  “Aloof from Natural Laws: Margaret C. Anderson and the Little Review.”  Phd dissertation, University of Delaware, 1992.

Bailey, Brigitte.  “Fuller, The Dial, The Tribune, and Periodical Print Culture.”  South Central Review 35:3 (Fall 2018): 89-102.

Bainbridge, John.  Little Wonder, or The Reader’s Digest and How it Grew.  New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945. 

Baldwin, Melinda.  Making Nature: The History of a Scientific Journal.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

Balint, Benjamin.  Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine that Transformed the Jewish Left into the Neoconservative Right.  New York: Public Affairs, 2010.

Banta, Martha. Words at Work in Vanity Fair: Language Shifts in Crucial Times, 1914–1930.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 

Barnhisel, Greg.  “Encounter Magazine and the Twilight of Modernism.”  ELH 81:1 (Spring 2014): 381-416.

Barron, Jonathan.  “Abraham Cahan’s The Rise of David Levinsky in McClure’s Magazine: Race, Capitalism, and Jewish American Identity.” Studies in American Jewish Literature 40:2 (2021): 140-171.

Bates, Stephen.  “Public Intellectuals on Time’s Covers.”  Journalism History 37:1 (Spring 2011): 39-50.

Bateson, Catherine V.  “The Fateful Lightning: Civil War Stories and the Magazine Marketplace, 1861-1876.” Journal of the Civil War Era 13:2 (2023): 263-266.

Bearor, Karen A.  “The Illustrated American and the Lakota Ghost Dance.” American Periodicals 21:2 (2011): 143-163.

Beggan, James, and Scott Allison.  “What Sort of Man Reads Playboy?  The Self-Reported Influence of Playboy on the Construction of Masculinity.”  Journal of Men’s Studies 11:2 (Winter 2003): 189-206.

Belscamper, Diana L.  “Your Ticket to Dreamsville: The Functions of 16 Magazine in American Girl Culture of the 1960s.” PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2014.

Benwell, Bethan.  Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003.

Berebitsky, Julie.  “The Joy of Work: Helen Gurley Brown, Gender, and Sexuality in the White-Collar Office.”  Journal of the History of Sexuality 15:1 (January 2006): 89-127.  (Cosmopolitan)

Berglund, Barbara.  “Western Living Sunset Style in the 1920s and 1930s: The Middlebrow, the Civilized, and the Modern.”  Western Historical Quarterly 37 (Summer 2006): 133–57. 

Bernard, Walter, and Milton Glaser.  Mag Men: Fifty Years of Making Magazines.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.  

Bertonneau, Thomas F. “The Obliging Order: William F. Buckley’s War on Totalitarianism and Blandness.”  Intercollegiate Review 43 (Fall 2008): 25–33.

Best, James J.  “The Brandywine School and Magazine Illustrations in Harper’s, Scribners, and Century, 1906-1910.”  Journal of American Culture 3:1 (Spring 1980): 128-144.

Betrock, Alan.  Sleazy Business: A Pictorial History of Exploitation Tabloids, 1959-1974.  Brooklyn: Shake Books, 1994.

Bisonette, Devan L.  “Between Silence and Self-Interest: Time, Life, and the Unsilent Generation’s Coming of Age.”  Journalism History 35:2 (Summer 2009): 62-71.

Bissonette, Devan L.  “The ‘Time’ of Our ‘Life’: Packaging the News for America’s Busy Readers from Little Rock (1957) to the End of ‘Life’ as We Knew It (1972.)”  PhD dissertation, State University of New York, Binghamton, 2009.

Blanton, Lynne.  “The Agrarian Myth in 18th and 19th Century American Magazines.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1979.

Bloyd-Peshkin, Sharon, and Charles Whitaker, eds.  Curating Culture: How Twentieth-Century Magazines Influenced America.  Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.

Bogaert, Anthony, Deborah Turkovich, and Carolyn Hafer.  “A Content Analysis of Playboy Centrefolds from 1953 Through 1990: Changes in Explicitness, Objectification, and Model’s Age.”  Journal of Sex Research 30:2 (1993): 135-139.

Bok, Edward.  The Americanization of Edward Bok. New York: Scribner’s, 1920.

Bonner, Judith H.  “Arts and Letters: An Illustrated Periodical of Nineteenth Century New Orleans.  Southern Quarterly 28 (Winter 1989): 59-76.

Botkin, B.A.  “Little Magazines of the Folk Revival.” New York Folklore Quarterly 19 (1963): 62-66.

Boyd, Anne E.  “What, Has She Gotten into the Atlantic?  Women Writers, the Atlantic Monthly, and the Forming of the American Canon.”  American Studies 39 (Fall 1998): 5-36.

Bradley, Patricia. “Media Leaders and Personal Ideology: Margaret Cousins and the Women’s Service Magazines.” Journalism History 21:2 (Spring 1995): 79-87. 

Branson, Susan.  “Gendered Strategies for Success in the Early Nineteenth-Century Literary Marketplace: Marry Carr and the Ladies’ Tea Tray.”  Journal of American Studies (Cambridge) 40 (April 2006): 35–51.

Brennan, Matt.  When Genres Collided: Down Beat, Rolling Stone, and the Struggle between Jazz and Rock and Roll.  New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.

Brodherson, David.  “Picture Mania”: Picture Collecting and Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century America.” Journal of American Culture 33 (December 2010): 322–335.

Bronski, Michael.  Pulp Fiction: Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps. New York: St. Martin’s, 2003.

Brooks, Dwight E.  “Consumer Markets and Consumer Magazines: Black America and the Culture of Consumption.”  PhD dissertation, University of Iowa, 1991. 

Brown, Judith. Glamour in Six Dimensions: Modernism and the Radiance of Form. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2009.

Brown, Michael.  “The Popular Art of American Magazine Illustration, 1885-1917.” Journalism History 24:3 (Autumn 1998): 94-103.

Buckely, Priscilla L.  Living it Up with the National Review: A Memoir.  Dallas: Spence Publishing, 2005.   

Buckley, William F.  Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription: Notes and Asides from National Review.  New York: Basic Books, 2007.   

Bumsted, Allison. TeenSet, Teen Fan Magazines, and Rock Journalism: Don’t Let the Name Fool You!  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024.

Burck, Gilbert, ed.  Writing for Fortune: Nineteen Authors Remember Life on the Staff of a Remarkable Magazine.  New York: Time Inc., 1980.

Burkhalter, Nancy.  “Women’s Magazines and the Suffrage Movement: Did They Hurt or Hinder the Cause?”  Journal of American Culture 19:2 (Summer 1996): 13-24.

Busby, Linda J., and Greg Leichty.  “Feminism and Advertising in Traditional and Nontraditional Women’s Magazines, 1950s-1980s.”  Journalism Quarterly 70:2 (1993): 247-264.

Calder, Angela. “More Than a Centerfold: Gender and the Politics of Playboy Magazine in Modern America.”  PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 2010. 

Cane, Aleta F. and Susan Alves, eds., The Only Efficient Instrument: American Women Writers and the Periodical, 1837-1916. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2001. 

Canning, Peter.  American Dreamers: The Wallaces and Reader’s Digest.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996.

Cantor, Geoffrey, and Sally Shuttleworth, eds.  Science Serialized: Representations of the Sciences in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Carter, Paul A.  The Creation of Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Magazine Science Fiction.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.

Case, Andrew N. “Idealizing an Organic Landscape: J. I. Rodale, the Rodale Press, and the Pennsylvania Countryside.” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 138 (January 2014): 73–98. 

Casey, Janet G.  “Realism and the Discursive Dynamics of the Popular Periodical, 1900-1930.”  Mosaic 46:2 (June 2013): 123-145.

Chalmers, Claudine.  Chronicling the West for Harpers: Coast to Coast with Frenzeny & Tavernier in 1873-1874. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013.

Chatellier, Courtney.  “Not of the Modern French School: Literary Conservatism and the Ancien Regime in Early American Periodicals.”  Early American Studies 16:1 (Summer 2018): 489-513.

Cheng, John.  Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.  See especially chapter 1, “Magazines for Morons: Pulp Magazines and the Emergence of Science Fiction.”

Chielens, Edward E., ed.  American Literary Magazines: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.  New York: Greenwood Press, 1986.

Christman, Henry W., ed.  One Hundred Years of the The Nation. New York: MacMillan, 1965.

Chuppa-Cornell, Kim.  “Filling a Vacuum: Women’s Health Information in Good Housekeeping’s Articles and Advertisements, 1920-1965.”  Historian 67: 3 (2005): 454-473.

Cieply, Stefan Konstantyn.  “The Lineaments of Personality: Esquire and the Problem of the Male Consumer.” PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 2006.

Clark, Daniel A.  Creating the College Man: American Mass Magazines and Middle-Class Manhood, 1890-1915.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2010.

Claussen, Dane S.  Anti-Intellectualism in American Media: Magazines and Higher Education.  New York: Peter Lang, 2004.

Cobb, Jasmine.  “Partial Portraits: African Americans in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine.” Journal of the Civil War Era12:4 (December 2022): 503-527.

Cody, Michael.  Charles Brockden Brown and the Literary Magazine: Cultural Journalism in the Early American Republic.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004.

Cohn, Jan. Creating America: George Horace Lorimer and the Saturday Evening Post. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989.

Cohoon, Lorinda B.  Serialized Citizenships: Periodicals, Books, and American Boys, 1840-1911.  Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2006.

Coll, Gary.  “Noah Webster, Magazine Editor and Publisher.”  Journalism History 11: 1/2 (Spring-Summer 1984): 26-31.

Collins, Bradford R.  “Life Magazine and the Abstract Expressionists, 1948-51: A Historiographic Study of a Late Bohemian Enterprise.”  Art Bulletin 73:2 (June 1991): 283-308.

Collins, Jane, and Catherine Lutz.  “Becoming America’s Lens on the World: National Geographic in the Twentieth Century.” South Atlantic Quarterly 69 (Spring 1992): 161-192.

Compaine, Benjamin M.  Consumer Magazines at a Crossroads: A Study of General and Special Interest Magazines.  White Plains: Knowledge Industry Publishing, 1974.

Congdon, Brad.  Leading With the Chin: Writing American Masculinities in Esquire, 1960-1989.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.

Congdon, Brad. “Langston Hughes, Esquire, and the Professional-Managerial Class.” The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 10, no. 1–2 (2019): 27–51. 

Constantinesco, Thomas.  “The Dial and the Untimely ‘Sprit of the Time.’” American Periodicals 28:1 (2018): 21-40.

Cooney, Terry A.  The Rise of the New York Intellectuals: Partisan Review and Its Circle.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1986.

Corey, Mary E.  The World Through a Monocle: The New Yorker at Mid-Century.  Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Coutaut, Frank R.  A Qualitative Study of Magazines: Who Reads Them and Why?  Two Parts. New York: McCall, 1939 and 1941.

Craig, Christopher.  “Goods and Goodness: The Expression of Socially-Conscious Consumerism in the Postwar New Yorker.”  PhD dissertation, Tufts University, 2007.

Cronin, Mary M. “The Reform Journalism of The New England Magazine.” Journalism History 22:1 (Spring 1996): 15-23.

Cronin, Mary M.  “Redefining Women’s Sphere: New England’s Antebellum Female Textile Operatives’ Magazines and the Response to the ‘Cult of True Womanhood.”  Journalism History 25:1 (Spring 1999): 13-25.

Cronin, Mary M. “‘Those Who Toil and Spin’: Female Textile Operatives’ Publications in New England and the Response to Working Conditions, 1840–1850.” American Journalism 16, no. 2 (1999): 17–37.

Crume, John B.  “Children’s Magazines, 1826-1857.”  Journal of Popular Culture 6:4 (Spring 1973): 699-706.

Cyganowski, Carol K.  Magazine Editors and Professional Authors in Nineteenth Century America.  New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.

Damon-Moore, Helen.  Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Dean, Gabrielle. “Cover Story: The Smart Set’s Clever Packaging, 1908–1923.” The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 4, no. 1 (2013): 1–29.

Deen, Stella.  “Cultivating Citizen Readers: Clemence Dane’s Historical Essays in Good Housekeeping.”  Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 10:1-2 (2019): 98-128.

Del Visco, Stephen.  “Yellow Peril, Red Scare: Race and Communism in National Review.” Ethnic and Racial Studies42:4 (2019): 626-644.

Denning, Michael. The Cultural Front: The Labouring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century. London: Verso, 1996.

Dicken-Garcia, Hazel.  “Of Punctilios Among the Fair Sex: Colonial American Magazines, 1741-1776.” Journalism History 3 (Summer 1976): 48-.

Doezema, Marianne.  “The Clean Machine: Technology in American Magazine Illustration.”  Journal of American Culture 11:4 (Winter 1988): 73-92.

Dolmetsch, Carl R.  The Smart Set: A History and Anthology.  New York: Dial Press, 1966.

Dorn, Jacob H.  “Sunday Afternoon: The Early Social Gospel in Journalism.”  New England Quarterly 44:2 (June 1971): 238-258.

Doss, Erica, ed.  Looking at Life Magazine.  Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001.*

Doudna, Martin K.  Concerned About the Planet: The Reporter Magazine and American Liberalism, 1949-1968.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977.

Douglas, Ann.  The Feminization of American Culture.  New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1977.

Douglas, George H.  The Smart Magazines: Fifty Years of Literary Revelry and High Jinks at Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Life, Esquire, and The Smart Set. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1991.

Draper, Robert.  Rolling Stone Magazine: The Uncensored History.  New York: Doubleday, 1990.

Drewry, John E.  Some Magazines and Magazine Makers.  Boston: Stratford Co., 1924.

Dyhouse, Carol. Glamour: Women, History, Feminism. New York: Zed Books. 2010.

Earle, David M.  All Man! Hemingway, 1950s Men’s Magazines, and the Masculine Persona.  Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2009.

Earle, David M., and Georgia Clarkson Smith. “‘True Stories from Real Life’: Hearst’s Smart Set, Macfadden’s Confessional Form, and Selective Reading.” The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 4, no. 1 (2013): 30–54. 

Eldred, Janet Carey.  Literate Zeal: Gender and the Making of a New Yorker Ethos. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012.

Elson, Robert T.  Time, Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1923-1941.  New York: Athenaeum, 1968.

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Endres, Kathleen L., and Therese L. Lueck, eds.  Women’s Periodicals in the United States: Consumer Magazines.  Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1995.

Enszer, Julie.  “The Whole Naked Truth of Our Lives: Lesbian-Feminist Print Culture from 1969 Through 1989.”  PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 2013.

Epstein, Joseph.  “Henry Luce and His Time.”  Commentary 44:5 (November 1967): 35-47.

Fackler, Mark, and Charles H. Lippy, eds.  Popular Religious Magazines of the United States.  Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995.

Farrell, Amy E.  Yours in Sisterhood: Ms. Magazine and the Promise of Popular Feminism.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

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Fishbein, Leslie.  Rebels in Bohemia: The Radicals of The Masses, 1911-1917.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.

Fitzpatrick, Shanon.  True Story: How a Pulp Empire Remade Mass Media.  Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2022.

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Folks, Jeffrey. “The South in The Saturday Evening Post: 1925-1929.” Studies in Popular Culture 5 (1982) 50-55. 

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