Broadcast Advertising

Advertising Index Page

Alexander, Alison, Louise M. Benjamin, Keisha Hoerrner, and Darrell Roe.  “We’ll Be Back in a Moment: A Content Analysis of Advertisements in Children’s Television in the 1950s.” Journal of Advertising 27:3 (Fall 1998): 1-9.

Arceneaux, Noah.  “The Wireless Window: Department Stores and Radio Retailing in the 1920s.”  Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 83:3 (Autumn 2006): 581-595.

Arceneaux, Ronald J. (Noah)  “Department Stores and the Origins of American Broadcasting, 1910–1931.”  PhD dissertation, University of Georgia, 2007.

Arlen, Michael J.  Thirty Seconds.  New York: FSG, 1980.

Arnold, Frank.  Broadcast Advertising: The Fourth Dimension.  New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1931.

N.W. Ayer & Son.  What About Radio?  New York: privately published, 1931.

Barnouw, Erik. The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Benoit, William L.  Seeing Spots: A Functional Analysis of Presidential Election Advertisements, 1952-1996.  Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1999.

Berkman, Dave.  “The Development of American Television as an Advertising-Supported Medium: As Seen by the Contemporary American Press.”  Journal of Advertising History 10:2 (1987): 14-29.

Birkby, Evelyn.  Neighboring on the Air: Cooking with the KMA Radio Homemakers. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991.

Blake, David Have.  Liking Ike: Eisenhower, Advertising, and the Rise of Celebrity Politics.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Bruce, Amanda Lynn. “Creating Consumers and Protecting Children: Radio, Early Television, and the American Child, 1930–1960.  PhD dissertation, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2008.

Byung Joon Lee.  “Attacking the Airwaves: How Television Changed the American Presidential Campaign.”  New England Journal of History 73:1 (Fall 2016): 1-27.  

Cantrill, Hadley, and Gordon W. Allport.  The Psychology of Radio.  New York: Harper, 1935.

Carroll, Carroll.  None of Your Business- or My Life With J. Walter Thompson. New York: Cowles, 1970.   

Columbia Broadcast System.  Broadcast Advertising- The Sales Voice of America.  New York: CBS, 1929.

Couture, Sadie.  “Forging a Format: Advertising, Attention, and Intimacy on the Mary Margaret McBride Program, 1941-54.” Radio Journal 21:2 (2023): 155-170.

Craig, Steve, and Terry Moellinger.  “So Rich, Mild, and Fresh: A Critical Look at TV Cigarette Commercials, 1948-1971.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 25:1 (January 2001): 55-71.

Craig, Steve. “The More They Listen, the More They Buy”: Radio and the Modernizing of Rural America, 1930-1939.” Agricultural History 80 (Winter 2006): 1-16.

Diamant, Lincoln.  Television’s Classic Commercials: The Golden Years, 1948-1958.  New York: Hastings House, 1971.

Downing, Spencer.  “What TV Taught: Children’s Television and Consumer Culture from Howdy Doody to Sesame Street.” PhD dissertation, University of North Carolina, 2004.  

Dunlap, Orrin E.  Advertising by Radio.  New York: The Ronald Press, 1929.

Dunlap, Orrin E.  Radio in Advertising.  New York: Harper and Brother, 1931.

Dygert, Warren.  Radio as an Advertising Medium.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939.

Elder, Robert.  Does Radio Sell Goods?  New York: CBS, 1931.

Grudin, Anthony E.  “Television Dreams: Andy Warhol and the History of Postwar Advertising.” PhD dissertation, University of California- Berkeley, 2008.

Hall, James. Mighty Minutes: An Illustrated History of Television’s Best Commercials.  New York: Harmony Books, 1984.

Havig, Alan.  “Frederic Wakeman’s The Hucksters and the Postwar Debate over Commercial Radio.” Journal of Broadcasting 28:2 (Spring 1984): 187-199.

Hay, James.  “Rereading Early Television Advertising: When Wasn’t the Ad the Story?”  Journal of Film and Video 41:1 (Spring 1989): 4-20.  

Hettinger, Herman S.  A Decade of Radio Advertising.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933.

Hettinger, Herman S.  The Use of Radio Broadcasting as an Advertising Medium in the United States.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933.

Hettinger, Herman S., and Walter J. Neff.  Practical Radio Advertising.  New York: Prentice-Hall, 1938.

Lavin, Marilyn.  “Creating Consumers in the 1930s: Irna Phillips and the Radio Soap Opera.”  Journal of Consumer Research 22:1 (June 1995): 75-89.

McChesney, Robert W. Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy: The Battle for Control of US Broadcasting, 1928-1935. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

McMahon, Harry Wayne.  The Television Commercial.  New York: Hastings House, 1957.

Mashon, Kenneth M.  “NBC, J. Walter Thompson, and the Evolution of Prime Time Television Programming and Sponsorship, 1946-1958.”  PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 1995.

Medeiros, Ben. “Restoring Whiteness, Sanitizing Blackness, and Authenticating Modern Artifice: Pepsodent Toothpaste and the Visual Branding of Amos ‘n’ Andy.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 38:2 (2018): 343-357.

Meyers, Cynthia B.  “Frank and Anne Hummert’s Soap Opera Empire: ‘Reason-Why’ Advertising Strategies in Early Radio Programming.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 16:2 (1997): 113-132.

Meyers, Cynthia Barbara.   “Admen and the Shaping of American Commercial Broadcasting, 1926–1950.” PhD dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, 2005.

Meyers, Cynthia B. “The Problems with Sponsorship in U.S. Broadcasting, 1930s–1950s: Perspectives from the Advertising Industry.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 31 (September 2011): 355–372.

Meyers, Cynthia B.  A Word From Our Sponsors: Admen, Advertising, and the Golden Age of Radio.  New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.

Meyers, Cyntia B. “Advertisers and American Broadcasting: From Institutional Sponsorship to Creative Revolution.” Business History Review 95:3 (Autumn 2021): 447-481.

Midgley, Ned.  Advertising and the Business Side of Radio.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1948.

Newman, Kathleen M.  “Critical Mass:  Advertising, Audiences, and Consumer Activism in the Age of Radio.”  PhD dissertation, Yale University, 1997.

Newman, Kathleen M.  Radioactive: Advertising and Consumer Activism, 1935-1947.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.

Oakner, Larry.  And Now a Few Laughs From Our Sponsor: The Best of 50 Years of Radio Commercials.  New York: Wiley, 2002.

O’Neil, Neville, ed.  The Advertising Agency Looks at Radio.  New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1932.

Pennock, Pamela. “Televising Sin: Efforts to Restrict the Televised Advertisement of Cigarettes and Alcohol in the United States, 1950s to 1980s.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 25:4 (2005): 619-636.

Porst, Jennifer.  “Roy Rogers and Gene Autry Do Not Endorse This Project: Actors, Advertising, and Feature Films on Early Television.” Television & New Media 22:4 (May 2021): 420-439.   

Price, Jonathon.  Commercials: The Best Thing on TV.  New York: Viking Press, 1978.

Rutherford, Paul.  The New Icons? The Art of Television Advertising.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

Samuel, Lawrence R.  Brought To You By: Postwar Television Advertising and the American Dream.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.

Savan, Leslie.  The Sponsored Life: Ads, TV, and American Culture.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.

Schwoch, James, “Selling the Sight/Sight of Sound: Broadcast Advertising and the Transition from Radio to Television.”  Cinema Journal 30:1 (Fall 1990): 55-66.

Seiter, Ellen.  “To Teach and to Sell: Irna Phillips and Her Sponsors, 1930-1954.” Journal of Film and Video 41:1 (Spring 1989): 21-35.   

Smith, F. L. “Quelling Radio’s Quacks: The FCC’s First Public-Interest Programming Campaign (Medical Radio Advertising, United States).” Journalism Quarterly 71:3 (1994): 594-608. 

Smulyan, Susan. “Radio Advertising to Women in Twenties America: A Latchkey to Every Home.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 13:3 (1993): 299-314.

Smulyan, Susan.  Selling Radio: The Commercialization of American Broadcasting, 1920-1934.  Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994.

Socolow, Michael J.  “Questioning Advertising’s Influence over American Radio: The Blue Book Controversy of 1945-1947.”  Journal of Radio Studies 9 (December 2002): 282-302.

Socolow, Michael J.  “Psyche and Society: Radio Advertising and Social Psychology in America, 1923-1936.”  Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 24 (October 2004): 517-534.

Spalding, John W.  “1928: Radio Becomes a Mass Advertising Medium.”  Journal of Broadcasting 8 (Winter 1964): 31-44.

Stevens, Paul.  I Can Sell You Anything.  New York: Peter Wyden, 1972.

Swoch, James.  “Selling the Sight/Site of Sound: Broadcast Advertising and the Transition to Television.”  Cinema Journal 30:1 (Fall 1990): 55-66.

Tabbanor, Michelle A. “Hold Your Liquor: NBC and Alcohol Advertising After Prohibition.” Journal of Radio & Audio Media 26:2 (2019): 270-283.   

Thomas, Clarence W.  “It Chops, It Slices, It Dices: Television Marketing and the Rise and Fall of the Popeil Family Businesses.”  Journal of Popular Film & Television 17:2 (Summer 1989): 67-73.

Vogt, Randall Lee.  “The Rise of an American TV Model: Network Scheduling, Production, and Sponsorship of Programs from 1948 to 1959.”  PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1993.

Walle, A.H.  “Commercial Television, Globalization, and the Public Interest: The History of Voice of Firestone.”  Journal of Advertising History 10:2 (1987): 47-60.

West, Darrell M.  Air Wars: Television Advertising in Election Campaigns, 1952-2004.  Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2005.

White, Mimi.  Tele-Advising: Therapeutic Discourse in American Television.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992.

Winick, Charles.  Taste and the Censor in Television.  New York: Fund for the Republic, 1959.

Winick, Charles, Lorne Williamson, Stuart Chuzmir, and Mariann Winick.  Children’s Television Commercials: A Content Analysis.  New York: Praeger, 1973.

Wolfe, Charles H., ed.  Modern Radio Advertising.  Chicago: Funk and Wagnalls, 1948.

Advertising Index Page