Game genres that can be used for training

The gaming industry is quite extensive and interesting, and unlike its inception in the early 90s, it now offers a large number of genres that can be used for training. In this guide, we will look at the most popular and interesting formats that are worth trying for the sake of training.


This is a universal online format in which the player creates his own unique character and studies the storyline together with other gamers with whom you can cooperate or compete. You will complete quests, farm locations and storm raids on your own, with friends, or with the help of professional players from this website.

MMO RPG can be useful for training due to several important aspects:

  • Mythology, almost all online games are based on mythology and history of different countries, allowing you to significantly expand your horizons.
  • Communication, many people are shy and reserved by nature, and communication without visual contact helps to gradually break down this barrier and transfer successes into real life. 
  • Finance, the economic model of servers is similar to real life, where there are poor and rich, traders and suppliers, and any role can not only be learned, but also transferred to real life, discovering in yourself a penchant for commerce.


The most popular in the genre are Greek, Scandinavian and Eastern myths, which are actively used in online games like World of Warcraft.

You will find dragons, gods and references to them, which is quite interesting for general development, especially considering that, unlike cinema, you will have the opportunity to interact with them yourself, of course, to a greater extent as enemies and world bosses, from which, in case of victory, you can get unique trophies and weapons to strengthen the hero.


Through communication in game chats, you will gradually get rid of shyness and learn to communicate with other players and then, note that over time, it becomes easier for you to find a common language with people in the real world.

Online games gradually bring all players to voice chats to organize mass battles, raids and just communicate. This important stage becomes a turning point even for the most shy players and allows you to find new friends and allies.


The ability to earn, spend and increase the amount of money is an important life skill, which in online games allows you to learn the system of finance and trade and literate investment in your character, with which you can draw a parallel in real life.

From your activity, desire to learn and master trade and communication with other players to storm dangerous raids with rare loot, on which the degree of wealth that your character will have depends. Having competently mastered crafting and trade, you can not only understand the basics of business, but even influence prices on the world market, simply by regulating supply and demand.

It’s simple, you learn to influence game prices and then, if you wish, you can adapt them in the real world by opening businesses or analyzing your financial expenses and earning money to better regulate your income and expenses.


This is a mixed type of gameplay that helps train individual indicators – reaction, accuracy and speed of decision-making and combine them with leadership and teamwork skills. Good examples are CS2, or Rainbow Six Siege.


This is a person’s ability to react to changes around without thinking about the process. This is an important mechanical skill that will come in handy in stressful situations, while driving a car and other situations in which there is no time to think about a decision.

In shooters, you will often react to a change in the environment, to sudden attacks by opponents and the discovery of ambushes. Gradually, you will be able to quickly target objects and attack them, spending very little time on making a decision.

In real life, reaction will help you quickly catch objects, or react to dangerous situations while driving a car or bicycle and avoid them.

Team play

All shooters in the genre must play together as a team to gain game rounds and play complex and interesting tactical and strategic moves, for which gamers play session shooters.

Such games develop strategic thinking, agility and reaction, leadership qualities that are perfectly applicable in real life.

You can learn to play better and progress in online games and shooters under the guidance of an experienced coach who will teach shooting, tactical interactions and leadership in order to progress in rank. The Skycoach service can help with this.


This is a type of game in which the player controls a large number of troops, or entire settlements, controlling many processes at the same time.

This type of game develops motor skills, ingenuity and quick decision-making, because you need to quickly progress your army, not forget about the economy and social life and at the same time control resources and their extraction and safety of already accumulated achievements.

The strategy format has survived the stages of its popularity and decline, but now it is returning to the top and allows players to play in different universes, both modern and realistic, and adapted like the Lord of the Rings or Starcraft 2.

Strategies will teach you to control several processes at the same time, quickly make decisions and take responsibility for them, because wrong actions will bring you defeat, loss of soldiers or workers.

Developed strategic thinking will greatly help you in real life, especially in the aspects of planning and the ability to quickly do several things at the same time.


Games can not only take up a person’s time and be a source of entertainment, but also teach and instill various skills that are easily transferred to real life and become useful.

If you play MMO RPGs, you will learn socialization, economics and trade and will be able to transfer this to real life.

Shooters will improve your reaction and decision-making speed and help you gain leadership skills and communication with other players built on joint actions, without which it is impossible to win.

Strategies will help you develop similar thinking, speed of decision-making and responsibility for your actions, which can bring both victory and defeat with the loss of an army and economy. Constant games will help you learn to quickly do many things at once, which is very useful in real life.

You can play any game well and gradually learn on your own, or rely on professional trainers, such as Skycoach services, so that progress is faster and of higher quality.